Chapter 2- Alex

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As early as the plane landed I stood up and grab my satchel from the bag compartment on the plane. "Hey Rav...Where are we gonna meet them?", I asked Rav Who's busy Picking up bags of pretzels and nuts to his bags. "Hey that's not permitted dumbass...", I said to him while chuckling."Hey didn't we pay for this plane?",he asked with tone on his voice."Yeah we did...But it doesn't mean you're permitted to take a ton of pretzels out of here...", I said to him while fixing my clothes."I don't care...I'm taking them...",He answered after putting 5 bags of pretzels into his bag." your life you dumbass", I answered while walking past him. "Where are we gonna meet them?", I asked again."Outside the airport...Alex told me to wait everyone there.", he answered after walking out of his chair carryin a bag fut of foods from the plane.

We walked out of the plane and quickly grabbed our stuff from the baggage rails.After we got out of the airport Rav took out his phone."Say Italy Drake!!!", He exclaimed." ITALY!!!!",we both shouted and he took a selfie."Now that's for my followers on IG and Twitter...",he said while posting it."Even hear Rav?Can't you relax from that social media $#!t for a minute?",I said with a low voice."Hmmm...nope My followers needs to know that their handsome RAV is happy",He answered while doin his stupid dance. I ignored him and looked around. "Where are the others Rav?", I asked. " Alex said we should wait here for a car to stop by us",Rav answered while showin me his phone. "See", he continued. " One of Alex's trait...Again",I answered. "Nah It's ok Drake...Alex Is still a good guy even with his arrogance sometimes...", Rav replied.

Alex is somekind of a close friend to us. Our fathers are business partners but still his father owns a ton more than we do. A douché sometimes but yeah a close friend.

A black BMW stopped in front of us and opened its doors."Hey you guys need a lift?", Alex said while fixing his hair."ALEX!!!" Rav exclaimed."Nice Car...",I said to alex."Yeah...I just need to take it from my dad that's why I was stalled.",Alex said while starin at me in the eyes. We stared at each other for sometime. This always happen him showin of to me. He's somekind like a nemesis for me actually. "Hey what you two starin at each other? You gae bro?", Rav said. Alex bursted in laughing while I sighed." What are you two waitin for? Get on...Just put your laugage at the trunk.",Alex said while holdin his laughter. The trunks opened and Me and Rav Quickly placed our bags inside."Quickly you two the others are waitin for us at our Hotel...",Alex said while wiping his face.

After hoping in his car we quickly arrive at the hotel a few minutes after. We stopped right in front of a 30 story building with a big sign on the top "OLYMPUS HOTEL". As fancy as it is it's owned by Alex's father. This trip was actually his plan and stuff so its his duty to accomodate us with fancy things they own. Alex's life is not that different than mine but I choosed a much more simpler stuff so that I'll never end up like a douché such as him. " Ok here we are...Mí Casa Su Casa",Alex said while taking off his glasses."Don't try speakin spanish Lex it's weird...",I said."Nah...just get off of my car.",he replied. Rav got out first and took his stuff out of the trunk."Thank god...Now we can rest",He said. I took my stuff and quickly entered the hotel.Alex walks towards a bell man and gave him the key to his ride. "Wait up you two...", he shouted while cramming up the stairs to the doors. "Room 1902...27th floor.", He said."The others are waitin for you guys there.", he continued after givin me the key card to the room." Ok...where are you stayin?",I asked."I'll be at our mansion near Sicily...My dad's there so I need to meet him before walking with you guys",he answered."We'll wait for you at Venice tomorrow ok?",Rav said.
"Yeah I will...", Alex said while fixing his clothes and then entering up another Ferrari Sportscar." Wow...",Rav said while in awe."You ok Rav?",I asked."Yeah...Why do alex have a ton of Cars?",He asked while were walking towards the hotel."His dad...Has a ton of companies so not a surprise for me...",I answered calmly."But still BMW to Ferrari?",Rav said. I ignored him and just entered to hotel. The bellmen took our stuff and carried it for us. Rav and I entered an elevator towards our room.Alex And his show offs again is annoying me.

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