Fifteen - Road Trip!

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Welcome to chapter 16 of this story! As I said, this story is over halfway done, so not much is left, but don't worry, I'll take these next few chapters very seriously, so you have nothing to worry about in terms of quality!

Okay, enjoy chapter 16!


Wesley's POV:

Well, I'm alive.

Thank God.

Gavin is such a pure and good guy. Even when I was crippled and damaged he still took care of me. Can't say too much about my family though.

What happened, guys? Mom, Dad, why did you do it? Why did you abandon me and leave me to die?

Riley? My long-lost sister, who isn't actually long-lost, why did you fake your death? You loved me with all of your heart!

It doesn't matter anymore. They aren't my family. My sister isn't even my family. Even if we share the same DNA, they aren't my family. Family doesn't leave someone they know behind.

No, Gavin is. Gavin is my family. My boyfriend for over a year now, my moral supporter, my shoulder to cry on, all of it. My..prince. No, my king.

Amour de ma vie.

I've been learning that language that Gavin started using when we first had sex together, and it's really cute to say when we want to be all sweet to each other.

Now, many steamy nights pass and I'm learning how to use the language better.

The thought of what happened to me that one night, that one night when Gavin had to leave, and there just so happened to be something happening to me.

It's... suspicious. I need answers. But, where do you think Jacob would have ran off to?

Then the answer pops up in my head, and my pupils shrink at the answer.

Raleigh, North Carolina, that's where!

Why else would he run off there? Patrick probably escaped from the fucking Georgia prison, and ran off to my parents.

It makes sense, but it's also a stretch. There's no way someone would be that physchopathically evil. To meet up with my family in North Carolina, somehow make a plan to rebel against me, and then use one of our own friends to hurt me? Yeah. It's a stretch.

But is it?

I look at Madison and Gavin, who have both been watching TV, and walk next to them.

"Hey guys, I've been thinking about this for a while now." I start to say, and they tune in. "I want to know why first of all, why Jacob betrayed us. Second, why my parents abandoned me. Third, anything else that could answer a question I didn't know I had." I say to them, and they give me a look.

"Are you sure about this, Wesley?" Madison asks me, and I nod. "Yes. I want to meet up with everyone and know the truth." I finish, and they nod again.

"Okay. We'll call up Allie and Collin, and we'll travel up to North Carolina where they are." Gavin says, and I take that reply and go to our room to pack.

Then I think. Could Jacob really be with all of them at the same time? Hell, could the Connoway family be? It sounds like a stretch, but with all of the other events that seemed like a stretch or coincidence, does it really?

I shake my thoughts and continue to pack. My entire life feels like a lie, a mistake. Like I'm not supposed to be here, like I'm not supposed to exist.

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