Trans!Bakugou au

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Whew. Ok so this is starting off kinda heavy, but I've had his idea for a while, and now that I've birthed this book, I decided to write out this idea I've had for a while.

Also I had a mental breakdown so I'm posting this now instead of editing it. Also I'm listening to Drowning. Go support our emo god, CrankThatFrank.

Finally, he thought. Everyone's gone to bed now. With that thought, he snuck into the showers and prayed that nobody was in there.

"Thank fuck" Katsuki muttered to himself. He started the shower water so that by the time he was ready to get in the water would be warm. He peeled off his sweatpants and his graphic tee and looked, however unwillingly, at his reflection. He gave himself the same pep-talk he did every time before he took off his binder and his boxers and stepped into the shower.

"You're still a man. Even if your body disagrees and you chromosomes do too! I'm still a man. I'm not a girl!" at that point he was smirking almost evilly at his reflection. He took a deep breath, slowly and carefully took his binder off, and avoided his body in the mirror like the plague. At that point, even with the pep-talk; he just couldn't stand to look at his betraying reflection. He took the packer out of his boxers and slowly slid his underwear down his legs. He stepped out of them, picked them up off the floor and stepped into the warm streams of water coming from the shower head.

He went through his normal routine of washing his hair, body and face followed b a 15-minute existential crisis/ dysphoric breakdown.

He realized that he was being a bit loud with his sobs, and since the water shut off about five minutes ago, the sound was amplified as if he had Present Mic's quirk. It was very echoey and right as he was about to quiet down for that reason, he heard a friendly, and comforting "Who's in here? Are you ok??" from none other than the artificial redhead. He had done a good job with keeping his secret so far and he sure as hell wasn't going to give up now.

He carefully and silently eases open the glass shower door and grabs his towel. Wrapping it around himself and preparing to do the most cowardly thing in his eyes--flee. He tried to run out, but once he had made a beeline for the door, he saw that Kirishima was right at the door. He basically screwed himself.

Kirishima's face lit up when he saw that his best friend was in there, but his smile faded as he thought of something.

"Was that you crying a few seconds ago, Baku-bro?"

"Erm... no?" he says, although it comes out more like a question. He knows his sharp-toothed friend isn't buying it since he very clearly had tears on his face and his eyes are red and puffy from crying, but he'd rather be damned to hell than admit that he was crying to anyone.

Kirishima looks at him with a 'do you seriously think you're getting away with this?' typed face and Bakugou just sighs. Then he fakes being as pissed off as possible to make sure he doesn't blab to any of their friends.

"YOU'RE NOT TELLING ANYONE, HAIR FOR BRAINS!!" He screamed whilst making sparks appear in his hands. Kirishima's eyes widened in shock and slight fear, but he brushed that off and got back to the point of why he was in there in the first place.

"I won't tell anyone, but if that was you then you seriously need to tell me so I can help you to the best of my abilities!" Kirishima; always a good friend, and wants to help even though he can't help much.

Bakugou turns away from Kiri with a slight pout on his face and a slightly rosy blush dusting his cheeks.

Kirishima finds that awe-strikingly adorable and has to hold himself back from getting a nosebleed.

"Sure, yeah I won't tell anyone..." He starts to compromise with the hot-headed boi ™️ "As long as you tell me what was going on in here a few moments ago."

Bakugou sighs, and decides to talk to Kirishima about it. It had been too long bottling his feelings up when he was on the verge of breaking down. He responded with anger and closing himself off from people. That's not healthy in case you didn't know!

"Just.... Just give me a minute! God damn, shitty hair!!" he said, well, shouted. He said to Kirishima something along the lines of "Just don't perv on me while I'm changing." Kirishima nodded his head, not planning on keeping his promise.

Bakugou was blushing the entire time he was changing, for he was just embarrassed that he was naked in the same room as his crush.

He dropped his towel painstakingly slowly because he was making sure Kirishima wasn't peeking at him. Once he had dropped the towel completely on the floor, and looked away, trusting that Kirishima wouldn't look at him; Kirishima looked towards him.

Kirishima, being alerted to Bakugou being naked because of the dull thud of the towel hitting the floor, turned around being somewhat hesitant. He knew he was being creepy by looking at him, but he couldn't help himself. From what you can see when he's wearing his hero outfit or even just a short sleeved shirt, you can clearly tell that he's ripped. And have you ever accidentally looked at his pants? It was obviously tight down there. (OOhhHh Kirishima getting frisky :))))))) )

He'll admit, it wasn't the smartest thing to do. He could've just been like "Hey no homo, but I think you'd look hot without any clothes on. Can I see if I'm right?"But... that probably wouldn't have turned out well.

When Bakugou was in full view of his peeking eyes, he almost shat himself. He couldn't believe it.

The manliest man he knew was a girl?? (Heads up, Kiri is just clueless, not an ass, Ok? Ok.) I mean, this completely changed the physical attraction he had to him- her- ...him...? He was so confused right now.

As bakugou was pulling something nude over his chest, Kirishima was shocked. His breasts just disappeared with that sports-bra looking thing. Without even thinking he blurts out something that probably changed the course of the next few days.

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