Chapter 4

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Chris POV

So today me and Yn are going on a "triple date" I guess. Anyways, I need to talk to her brother about some things...

End of POV

Chris wakes up and notices Yn is still asleep. So he slowly moves out of the bed and heads to the kitchen.


As I'm waking up, I smell the most delicious smell ever!!!! BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End of POV

Yn gets up, stretches and walks to the kitchen.

Chris: Good morning beautiful!!!

Yn: Good morning! You're really excited this morning.

Chris: Haha I was gonna bring you breakfast-in-bed, but you're up now...

Yn: oh I'm sorry... Want me to fake sleep and pretend this never happened?

Chris: No babe its fine.

Yn: Okay... so why are you so happy this morning?

Chris: Oh... um..

Chris POV

I need to come up with a lie hella fast!

End of POV

Chris: Well... I'm just happy that you're happy.

Yn: Umm okay then... That was weird but okay... Well I gotta go and get dressed for today!

Chris:Alright babe.(They kiss)

Yn: If you need me I'll be upstairs.

Chris gives her a smile and a nod.

That was short. I just wanted to hurry and update for you guys. Next chapter will be longer. Promise!

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