Chapter 1

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"I'm afraid your results.. Well their not good"

"What do you mean?"

"Well the MRI and the biopsy confirm that your headaches are coming from a brain tumour" I stopped listening after that. It was just a blur. Why? I don't get it, I'm 21 just graduated from university why me? It didn't sink in until a couple of days later, I broke down. I didn't know what I was going to do with my life, I have no family only a couple of close friends, no job. No money.

I went back to the hospital a month later I guess it took me quite a long time to adjust to my illness and tell my friends. Sophia finally pulled me out of bed and practically dragged me down to Dr. Awrdons office.

"Can it be treated" Sophia asked.

"Well we don't actually know, it's so close to the part of her brain where her language is stored that we can't remove the tumour by surgery. It's also to big for chemotherapy to reduce. It just that chemo could help however it's very unlikely. Radiotherapy is another option but the tumour is in stage four already even if we did treat it there is a 96% chance that the treatment just won't work."

"So what... What can errr... I'm... I dunno... am I going to die then?" I didn't want to ask, I know I can't think like this but I don't really have a choice.

"I don't know how long you have left but most probably years, it's hard to say." So I'm going to die, what am I supposed to do now? Live my life the way I have always dreamed about or... I don't know spend every waking moment dreading when I will die. "But you will unless for any other reason pass because of your brain tumour and I'm sorry Miss Crown but no treatment would be worth undergoing it just wouldn't help and cause unnecessary stress and money."

"So that's it then there is nothing you can do?" Sophia is bright pink with tears in her eyes I'm surprised that she managed to put together a sentence.

"No there is nothing we can do medically but Maxine will have to be looked after by someone most likely. The tumour isn't going to stop growing and it's going to be painful for her and she's gradually going to become more and more incapable of doing things independently. Is there anyone who can check up on her or does she live with someone? She's going to need a lot of support because this time is going to be very difficult. She may start to forget things and become unresponsive it's also very likely that in the near future she won't be able to speak very clearly." I can hear everything his saying, I feel as if I'm just a person listening in as though I'm not really there. Everywhere I go this feeling just doesn't subside it's like the whole worlds moving and I'm just watching it go by like I'm not actually there. I'm in shock and I don't know how to deal with this, they don't tell you how to deal with this at school I'm too young I just don't get it.

I don't know how long it has been since I have been out of my apartment. I'm a mess. Kim and Sophia have been round almost everyday, I don't know what I feel. Can I just move on from this and forget as if I'm slowly dying, I don't think I can, not with the way my head pounds as soon as I sit up. Eventually I go out I don't know what day it is or how long it's been since I last left my building but I'm in desperate need of some sunlight and a book to read while my numbered days go by. I know I shouldn't be thinking negatively but I just can't help it. I go into my local book store and pick out 3 new books. A romance, dystopian and a contemporary. This should keep me going for a while. I know I look like a mess with unruly hair and no makeup but God do people have to stare so much. On my way home I stop at Starbucks, I order a coffee with more caffeine in than I need and get a slice of Victoria sponge to sit down and eat, I used to like to come in to Starbucks and just sit down and watch people come and go it used to calm my nerves before an interview or when I was really stressed out or just bored. So I decided that I would do just that and see if it made me feel anymore alive, give me anymore hope.

I realize a lot of old people are coming in here today, it's 2 pm and all the teenagers must have gone back to school after summer break. I don't know how many people come and go before an employee tells me they're shutting in five minutes. I look at my phone, I have 7 missed calls from Kim and it's already 5 pm. I huff and make my way out on to the cold streets of London. That's when he walked into me and that's where my... our story begins.

(Let me know what you think so far, i don't know weather the story makes much sense yet as my idea is a bit complicated but hopefully the next chapter will explain some of your unanswered question :) ) 

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