Keefe x Fitz | Hugs

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It was always the little things. A quick hug, waving to others in the hallway, a boop on the nose, high fives, even just trying to make yourself smaller in a crowded place. These things always got to Keefe. Maybe it was because he was an empath. Or that he didn't receive much affection as a kid. But the little things got to him.

There were these tiny interactions between him and his friends that gave him hope. They reminded him that people cared about other people. 

He and Biana would high five.

He would ruffle Tam's hair.

Linh and Keefe would fist bump.

Dex would smile at him after a prank.

He would boop Sophie on the nose.

These things made him happy. That tiny part of his heart that felt empty would fill up with joy. He would sketch these moments and think about those few seconds before he went to bed. It made him happy.

Even after he found out his mom was evil, he'd still find joy in the little things. He felt sad and angry about it, but he got a lot of hugs. Keefe liked hugs.

Silveny would do small things too. She'd sniff his hands after he fed her. Keefe couldn't forget alicorn hugs. Those were awesome. One day when he was bored, he thought, "What if I hung out with the others at Havenfield?" So he did.

Keefe light leaped to Havenfield. Grady was there holding some unknown food. He stopped and looked at Keefe, "Sophie's busy with cognate practice." He was about to walk away when Keefe asked, "Can I help?"

Grady whipped his head around. The Sencen boy wanted to help out? Keefe spoke up, "Listen, I like animals too. Plus anytime away from home is time well spent." The confusion was radiating off of Grady in waves. Grady stopped to think for a moment.

"You could help feed Verdi." Keefe smiled. Then he rolled up his sleeves and got to work. There were friends to be made.


Fitz and Sophie walked out of Havenfield talking excitedly. Keefe was a bit jealous that Sophie got to spend so much time with his boyfriend. But Keefe trusted him, just like how Fitz trusted Keefe.

He returned his attention to a very cranky baby dragon that needed a bath. The dragon's red scales honestly reminded him of Mr.Snuggles. He smiled at that, but that smile dropped when the dragon tried to bite him. He crouched down so he was looking the dragon in the eye. "Work with me here buddy, you have to take a bath", he scolded. The dragon stuck his tongue out at him.

Grady suddenly spoke, "Hey, that's a good name. Buddy!" Keefe was told of how difficult it was to name the little guy. He asked the dragon, "Do you wanna be called Buddy?" The dragon radiated joy. Keefe patted his head, "Buddy it is then." Buddy jumped on him and started to lick him. "Hey, that tickles!" Grady shook his head, "Good news is that he likes you."

By then Fitz and Sophie had reached Buddy's enclosure and saw what was happening. Fitz smiled fondly. How was he lucky enough to get Keefe Sencen as his boyfriend? He quickly caught himself and made sure Sophie or Grady didn't catch him daydreaming. Keefe and Fitz weren't out about their relationship yet.

That was because they were still confused about a lot of things. They never really knew that two people of the same gender could love each other until they experienced it. Were there others like them? There were many questions, but two things were certain.

They weren't broken because they knew they loved each other.

Keefe looked at Buddy hopefully, "So you'll take a bath?" Buddy glared at him and walked away. He pouted as everyone laughed. He looked at Sophie and Fitz, "Do you see what we're dealing with?"

Fitz and Sophie agreed to help.


After they got Buddy to take a bath, which was exhausting, they all lied in the grass. They talked and made stupid jokes. It was fun. The small smiles he'd get when he made a stupid pun were awesome.

Later, Grady had to go inside. Then Sophie left. It was just Fitz and Keefe.

Keefe looked around. It was nighttime so the stars were out. No one was around. Fitz noticed him looking. "What is it?" Keefe looked at him, "I was just checking if anyone was around." When he lied back down he held Fitz's hand. Fitz smiled at him and he smiled back.

They looked at the stars. Fitz told him some stories that he heard from some humans. Keefe liked those stories, humans called them folktales.

Fitz just finished the story of a man who went down to the underworld to bring back his wife when Keefe spoke, "To be honest, if you were stuck down there I'd probably bargain with the god of death to get you back." He turned his head to see Fitz. Fitz looked at him too, "So would I."

Keefe gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. Fitz giggled a bit. Then he did it back. They stared at each other for a while before bursting out in laughter. 

Keefe suddenly said, "I wish we could be like this forever." Fitz tilted his head a bit, "Do you mean young forever?" Keefe shook his head, "I mean happy and together." Fitz blushed a bit, so did Keefe. 

"We could get married."

Keefe's head whipped around to look at his boyfriend. Both sat up.

"Would we be able to? Would anyone let us?"

Fitz sighed sadly, "Maybe they won't, but that won't stop us." Keefe just stared at the ground. Fitz's smile faltered.

Then Keefe looked at him with a new determination, "It won't stop us." He said it with so much certainty that Fitz knew it was going to be true. Then Keefe began to stand up, "Before I lose this adrenaline rush, should we tell them?"

Fitz got the rush of courage and agreed. They walked towards the Ruewen household, hoping that they won't be yelled at.

Hoping they can finally stop lying.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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