Ending and Beginning

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I'm so scared, mother. This world is so big; I don't even know how to survive out here. I wish you were with me, so we can struggle together, be together and die together. All I ever want is to be beside you, Mother. I want to be with you.


"Hm..." I moaned as I finally awoke to the new dawn. The sun rose and shone above the city I'm in, and it's going to be a beautiful day. Rays of light touched my face through the gaps of the dark alleyway I hid and slept in, and it was as if it's embracing me; welcoming me to today's journey. My eyes strained, struggling to adjust to the brightness of daylight. My hands swept the messy locks off my forehead to see more clearly of the area I'm surrounded by, and out of the alleyway, I could hear the rumbling of the busy street.

I decided to start making a move, which I forcibly lifted myself up. I sat up straight and massaged my stiff back, to which I complained quietly under my breath, then I felt a sudden grumbling in my stomach as the outragious noise rang in my ears, and I realised that it will be another big problem. Maledire! This isn't the time to be hungry, either, I thought to myself. I am not used to the huge city yet and I don't have any sense of direction- all I know is that I was far away from that place I used to live in.

"But I need money to eat," I quietly sighed. In order to get what you want, you have to earn it. That's what Master used to say, and he's right, although he wasn't very fair with me and Mother. However, at this rate, I really need to earn some money to get what I want, and all I wanted right now was food. I stood up with enthusiasm, and shone brightly to my first day of 'freedom'. The thought of finding a job that I can supposedly do immediately sounded simple enough, and I went along with determination to the streets.


It's dusk already, and yet I've failed to find a placement for work.

"Ugh.... this is bad..." I moaned some more. This isn't good. Yet again my stomach growled violently as if it was blaming me. Somehow, I managed to receive a few strange stares from a crowd of comfortably dressed people on the street. Of course, I was embarrassed- my cheeks burned and I could feel the hot redness glow visibly on my skin. This isn't the time to be embarrassed. I'm terribly hungry, and I don't have much time before all the shops close. I have to find a job.

"I've been searching hard for nothing today," I sighed in annoyance. But I have to keep looking- if not tonight, then tomorrow morning. By then, I would probably faint at some point; after all, I'm not a strong child ever since birth. I carried on roaming down the street of the colourful town. It's pretty dark now, and night had already covered the sky- despite that, the city glowed so brightly with its liveliness against it. Passing through the crowds, I found an unused wooden box beside a wall and decided to sit on it. I looked upon the night sky, and admired its deep blue colour. The refreshing breeze lightly kissed my skin as it passed by me and I reacted by pushing my warm, grey scarf (which was loosely wrapped around my neck) over my face. The mood felt so soothing, it's almost... romantic.

"Quick, quick! The show's about to start!" squeaked a young woman as I accidentally eavesdropped her, who was at the corner of my eye.

"Wait for me, Giulia!" spoke another stranger. This time, it was a lively looking guy. He ran towards her direction and followed her as she jogged her way. I wonder what they're after.

"There's going to be enormi folle if we don't hurry!" Cried the girl. A decision abruptly came to me that I would tag along with the couple, since I have some spare time for entertainment. Indulgent of the rumour of the show, my curiosity got the better of me. I secretly stalked them to the show and as we hurried further, the more people there were pacing along the same direction.

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