Family First - Six

217 6 2

Daniel Pov.

I've been on punishment for too long. I marked off another day that counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days. I tried to run away due to depression. But Grandma Justine found me hiding in her guest room. She called my dad and i was in trouble with my dad. He kelp calling me a trouble child , and I'm leading my mom to stress problems. I don't really care.. I'm going to skip school today with Rico. I dressed in my nike shoes, Basketball shorts, & a 'Just Do It' shirt. I am glad I have a passage way to drugs. I walked downstairs and saw Miranda laying on the sofa with her bear. She had her Inhaler. I feel like shit I swear. Then I heard my mom & Dad. I pecked back around the courner for they wouldnt see me. I heard my mom crying.

Jessica: *Crying*

Daniel: Baby Jess come here

she walked over to my dad and cried in his chest

Jessica: Daniel I cant go on like this..

Daniel: what you mean?

Jessica: With My baby girl having cancer..

Daniel:Baby yes you can you have to stay strong..

Jessica: Not only that with Daniel .. You see Digg been giving us problems to i just cant take this stress after he been hanging around the hispanics Rico , Pablo & that thot Caydise...

when my mom said that it was true ... Caydise is nothing but a side. But I don't like her talking about Rico & Squad like that. I ran in the room looked at them discussed and ran to school. normal my mom would take me but I'm going myself.

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