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I woke up seeing onkynblurrness. "Oh she's waking I heard a British boy say. "Good!" I heard an Irish accent say happily, "hello? Are you okay?"  Everything came clearer. There was a boy with dark brown curly hair and hazel eyes and another boy with blonde hair and the most beautiful burn eyes I've ever seen. I groaned in pain as I trued to sit up , which ended with the Irish by helping me. "Thanks" I said "no  problem but are you okay I'm sorry about that I kinda missed catching the Frisbee and it kinda hit you." "I think I'm fine just a little dizzy." I said as I moved my hand of my head noticing it was covered in blood. "Oh god!" I heard the curly one say. "Holy shot! You head is bleeding!" The blonde irish said panickly. "We should gt her to Liam, maybe he'll knowwhatntodo!" "Good idea!"the curly one said as the blonde picked me up bridal style and quickly, but genrly wished, e to a car and set, e in the back seat. !"ill sit back here amd apply pressure toit as you drive, fast!" He said. The culy boy nodded as he started the car and drove off. On the was there I kept coding out a few times. "Sty with me!" The irish boy sad scardly. "Were here!" Harry said as he opened the back seat door amd ball came and picked, e up again. And carried, e inside the house. It was nice on the inside, it was mostly had a pale white color tongue walls and had more modern furniture. "Liam! Hurry!" Harry called.. a boy with a buzz cut type quiff wearing only bat,an boxers  ca,me running in. "What!?! Wait when the hell is that?!?" He asked curiously. "Umm we don't know, we kinda hit here with a Frisbee and now this" the curly said pointing to, y gash. "Amd why did you bring her here?" He asked "well we thought you might know what we should do." The curly said scratching his head. "Well I don't know I'm not a fucking doctor now am I!" He yelled.. "cmon li" the blonde said. "Fine I'll see what I can do" she soghed was
King into another room grabbing what o think was a first aid kit. "niall you apply pressure and harry you get the sewing kit." "Why a week kit?" He asked curiously. "Just get it!" He yelled. The curly boy quickly got up and ran to another room and came out with the kit. "Here he said handing the buzz cut boy the kit. "Thanks"he said. They started saying moreas I my eyes got blurry and all of a sudden everything eent black.

Iwoke up not being abe to see at first from the blindng lights but i could hear voices "Iys just er body ion shock she's fine ni " I heard a boy say. "Mate, what if shes dead!?" I heard the Irish boy yell. "Shes not dead!" I heard the other say. My eyes finally adjusted andi saw the buzz cut boy and blonde boy talking. I saw the curly boy sitting in the car next to me. "Guys she's awake!" He said as the other two ran up to the couch I was laying on. "/told you the buzz cut boy said. "Oh my, are yu okay?" The Irish boy asked.. "yeah" I sad grog ugly. "My head jut really hurts I said robbing my forehead feeling something weord on it. "Oh we had to give you stitches but don't worry I used to study to be a doctor so I know how tondo it right, " I smiled as he handed me a mirror. I gasped as I saw 7 stitches running along, y forehead. "Well give you some pain killers after you eat something "the buzz cut boy said getting up. "Yay! Food!" The Irish boy yelled as he stuck his hamd out for me to grab. I gabled it as he pulled me up. Y legs were weak so he sorta carried, e to the kitchen I s,filed. "Thaks" I said. He s,I least he curlyhair outage, e a plate with tacos on it. I just stored t it.as the other 3 stuffed their faces. "Are you not gonna eat the,?" Said the Irish boy. "Buti made my special tacos I though thou kight like them!" said the curly haired boy sadly. "Its not that I don't want them I said which was true I was starvng. "It just I can't take food from people barely know I, sea its bad enough Simon yurhouse and youguys basically performed,ed surgery on me. " they all looked at me. "Oh well then, I'm Liam Payne " he said s,filing as he put his hand out for me to shake. "Hi I said as I shook his hand. "im HarRY!" The other yelled. I smiled. "An I'm niall, the one who kinda hit you the head with a Frisbee." I smiled. "Oh nice too meet you I'm olivia" hey all smiled. "Eill you eat my tacos o liv??" Harry asked smiling. I looked at him "im sorry but my names actually Olivia, not living I said confused on why he called me log. "Oh sorry I thought people called you that as like a nickname. " he said as he title his head down making me feel bad. "Oh I'm sorry I'm just not used to nicknames I've never been called by a nickname before." "What?" They all asked confused. "Didmt your parents cl all you by any nicknames?"i sighed. "No, y parents hate me, when I was 2, my perfect brother was born and, y parents gave me up for adoption because ,y brother was to perfect to have a sister like me but no adoption centers would take ,e cause they said no one wouldmever adopt me.." I bite my lip and looked at them to see what they thought of the story. "I am so sory" liam said, it looked like he was about to Cry, and harry? Harry was sobbing. "Aww Olivia!" Ball said sadly pulling me into a big hug. "Those people were stupid!" He hugged me tighter. I liked this I haven't been hugged forever and his hug was so, comforting. I leaked, y head on his chest inhaling his scent, he Emily so good! He let g and looked at me. "Thankyou" I said quietly smiling they smiled amid finished ,y tacos.

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