Chapter 1

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 trigger warning: this fan-fiction contains some of the same themes as spottedleaf's heart (but less prominent and less graphic) and also minor dysphoria from one of the characters. if these themes make you uncomfortable, please feel free to click away. you need to have at least understand what happened in redtail's debt. at least the first couple chapters. i suggest listening to  pinkbunnygirl43's audio book of redtail's debt to understand some of these references in future chapters.

The sun slowly climbed into the sky, sending arrays of beautiful colors shining in the sky. Redkit climbed over his mother and sleeping siblings to quickly make his way to watch the dawn patrol leave. He sat beside the den entrance, huge eyed as he saw the muscular warriors leave. Bluefur, Thrushpelt, Rosetail, Lionheart, and his own father, Adderfang. He purred proudly, flicking his tail up. Adderfang was such a good warrior and father. Redkit would become deputy one day. "Redkit! Are you up again?" Willowkit asked with a yawn. "Redkit is always up early Willowkit!" Frostkit chimed. Redkit flattened his ears. "Not always.." He mumbled, embarrassingly licking his chest. "Shush kits!" Swiftbreeze quieted. "Come here Redkit, get some more sleep." She cooed softly, flicking her tail. Redkit trekked over, tail dragging. His mother started cleaning him, and he just huffed, before sleepily closing his eyes and falling asleep again. Swiftbreeze could make kits fall asleep as quick as a fox chasing a rabbit! 

  "Funny we have a nursery full of she-kits eh?" Featherwhisker joked as he checked on the queens. Redkit suddenly felt flustered. He was born a she-kit, but deep down he knew. Redkit knew he was a tom. "It is, but at least ThunderClan will have cute little queens!" Robinwing purred. He stared at the queen. Not every she-cat had to have kits. If every she-cat did, there would be too many kits and not enough prey! But Redkit didn't say anything. Robinwing would just laugh, smile, and tell him that he didn't know much because he was just a kit. He squeezed out of his mother's grasp and went to the clearing. "Redkit, where are you going little bird?" Swiftbreeze asked, lashing her tail. "I wanna go play Mom! Spottedkit, Willowkit, Frostkit and Brindlekit can come!" He replied. "Well, what do you say Robinwing?" His mother asked. "Alright, but you little warriors come back safe!" Redkit nodded, leading his sisters and two friends into the clearing.

 Squeezing into a crack near the Highrock, Redkit waited patiently. Brindlekit was the seeker, whilst everyone else was hiding from her. He snickered. She would never find him! "Hi Redkit!" Spottedkit purred. He jumped up with fear. "What are you doing Spottedkit??" He hissed. "Goosefeather got mad at me for hiding in the medicine cat den. So, I followed you!" She squeaked. "Okay well.. Hide somewhere else! I took this spot fair!" Redkit ordered. "Bossy fur-ball! Who made you leader! Maybe I'll ask Thistleclaw later for a good hiding spot." She mewed, bouncing away. Redkit flinched at the muscular tom's name. He picked up bad vibes from him. Most other senior warriors disliked the kits for getting under their paws. Maybe the spikey tom just missed being a father! That's what Redkit would tell himself.. "Found you!" Brindlekit purred, bopping Redkit's nose. "Mouse-dung!" He hissed. 

 That night, Thistleclaw of course displayed the kits with presents. Redkit was appreciative but nervous of the gray tom. "Redkit, be grateful and play with Thistleclaw's gifts!" Adderfang growled, once he noticed Redkit was just staring at it. Nervously, he did. But something didn't feel right.. Redkit would need to get to the bottom of this.. But, after his dinner and nap of course.

Redkit carefully pounced on his feather, snatching it with his claws and tossing it in the air. Spottedkit caught it mid air, and he already saw pride rippling through her dark tortoiseshell pelt. "Thistleclaw did get us durable feathers!" Spottedkit mewed, the feather falling out of her mouth. "You have to admit that Redkit!" She added. "Meh, I've played with better feathers!" Redkit replied, pouncing on the feather again. "Your just grumpy Redkit!" Willowkit giggled, leaping onto him. His gray sister knocked him to the ground, and he widened his eyes and Spottedkit and Willowkit gently batting him with their soft, fuzzy paws. "Get off your sister!" Thistleclaw meowed with a smirk. "Don't make me send Tigerpaw!" He playfully added. 

Spottedkit and Willowkit hadn't heard him, and Redkit couldn't help but join in on the giggling his sisters were chiming. Suddenly, his sisters were lifted off of him, and he met eyes with Tigerpaw's frighteningly amber eyes. "Your welcome tiny warrior." The apprentice meowed through the scruff of his sister's, before he placed the two she-kits down. Redkit stared at the huge tabby apprentice, panting as he tried to pull himself up. "Did you bring us more presents?" Willowkit asked Thistleclaw. "Not today kits. It was a busy day. Tigerpaw and I fought almost five kittypets that were stealing our prey!" The warrior bragged. "Woah!" His two sisters gaped. Redkit kept staring at Tigerpaw. There was a small scar on his side. Was that from the kittypets? Redkit was mesmerized by the apprentice's muscles. How could he be so strong when he was just an apprentice? Would Redkit be that strong? He shook his head. Of course he would! He would help his Clan like Tigerpaw and.. and Thistleclaw. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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