Change - Human Takizawa

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Author's note: This one-shot is similar to Kaneki's transformation into a ghoul so please don't hate it. Thank you.

When Seidou woke up, his body ached in a dull pain. The sound of machines beeping caught his attention as he took in his surroundings. He was in hospital, connected to a couple of tubes and a heart-rate machine. Panic seeped in until a doctor walked in with [Name] following behind.

"Good morning, Mr Takizawa." the doctor said with a warm smile. [Name] taking a seat next to him, holding his hand. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

Takizawa placed a hand over his stomach, a low growl was heard, answering the doctor's question. The doctor left the room and a nurse arrived shortly with a tray of food for him.

"How long have I been out?" he asked [Name].

"A couple of days. You were attacked during your patrol by a ghoul. You had to have an organ transplant." The fog lifted from his mind as he recalled the last thing he remember. He and Amon were on patrol looking for a ghoul they had chased into a warehouse. They split up to cover more ground and he heard something, when he turned around, the last thing he saw was black eyes and teeth.

"Is Amon alright?" he asked, [Name] nodded.

"He was the one who killed the ghoul that attacked you and got you here." her hand tightened around his, her head lowering slightly. "You almost died." Takizawa lifted her head to look at him, looking into her eyes.

"I will never leave your side." he kissed her forehead as if he was sealing a promise.


His stomach ached for food. He had been home for a couple of days yet he could not eat properly. Everything he ate tasted revolting to him the second it touched his tongue. [Name] had called the doctor and explained this, apparently it was a side-effect of the medication he was put under and the transplant. They accepted that was the cause of his inability to eat anything.

It was his fifth day out of hospital. [Name] had gone out to buy some food and pick up something the doctor said could help, leaving Takizawa alone for a while. A low growl was heard and he placed his hand over his empty stomach. That was it. He'd had enough of it. He was going to eat something and keep it down. He opened the fridge and pulled out the leftovers of the take-out they ordered last night, heated it in the micro-wave and looked at it. The smell was awful but Takizawa knew it was perfectly fine. Slowly, he brought the fork to his lips, opened his mouth and chewed.

He darted towards the bathroom, collapsing to his knees and emptied his stomach into the toilet. Why couldn't he eat anything! A horrifying thought planted itself in his mind and he froze. His heart drummed against his ribs as his blood ran colder than ice. It was impossible. It was impossible! Takizawa rushed back into the kitchen, throwing the fridge door open and started grabbing random things, praying to any higher power that he was wrong. He chewed, he drunk, he spilled and he dashed to the bathroom again; back and forth, back and forth. Panic and desperate that he was experiencing a nightmare. His eyes looked up at the mirror in the bathroom, sweat dripped down his face, a thin trickle of bile sliding from the corner of his lips but he paid no attention to that as he was too focused on his left eye.

Void blackness polluted the whiteness of his eyes like oil on snow, replacing the colour completely, his chocolate brown iris glowed blood red. Small red veins crawled around his eye. His heart stopped, a scream built up in his throat but it refused to leave, only escaping a half formed sobs as tears welled up in his eyes. No. No, no, no, no! This was not happening!

An enraged scream escaped his throat as his fist made contact with the mirror, shattering it yet did no damage at all to his skin. Takizawa slid down the wall, tears falling down his cheeks, his sobs echoing around him.


A gentle knock on the bathroom door caught his attention.

"Seidou, what's wrong?" [Name]'s voice was laced in concern. When did she get back? Before she could open the door, Takizawa threw himself against the door, slamming it shut and stopping her from getting in, from seeing him. "Seidou? What happened?" What was he going to do? He couldn't let her see him like this. 

"I-I... Go away." as much as it hurt him to say it, he knew he needed to keep her away. For her own safety.  

"No, what's wrong? Seidou?" she attempted to open the door again but he refused to budge, forcing his weight against it to keep it closed. "Takizawa, please! Let me in!" he covered his ears, not wanting to hear the concern in her voice. Suddenly, everything went quiet. He listened carefully. 

"Please, Seidou. Let me in." [Name]'s voice was softer, pleading him to let her in to help. He wanted to. He wanted to throw the door open and hug her, beg her to tell him this was just a twisted nightmare. But he couldn't. If her scent reached him. . . he didn't want to think of what he would do. A soft sob was heard but it didn't come from him. If there was one thing Seidou Takizawa could not stand was [Name] crying. It shattered his heart like he shattered the mirror.

"[Name], please, don't cry. Please." his forehead rested against the wood of the door. Another sob was heard.

"What's wrong? Why won't you let me in?" she asked, voice barely over a whisper. 

"Because. . . I don't want to hurt you." Because I don't want to kill you. 

"Seidou, let me help you. I know you won't hurt me." He hated how she sounded so certain. What if she was wrong? What if the second he opened this door he lost all control and attacked her? His heart stopped at that thought. 

"How do you know?" was the only thing he could say. A moment of silence passed, both sitting on the both sides of the door. 

"Because I love you. I know you would never hurt me." Slowly, the door handle turned and the door opened a crack. [Name] rose to her feet before pushing the door open carefully, eyes searching for Seidou. He sat curled up in the corner, face buried in his knees. She kneeled  in front of him, her hand gently rubbing his back to comfort him. 

"What is it?" she asked again. He gave a gentle sob before replying,

"I-I. . . W-We. . ." Another sob, "Please, don't be scared."  His head carefully raised to look at her. A single scarlet glow emitted from the shadows on his left eye. [Name] held a hand over her mouth. How could this happen to him? How did this happen? He turned his head away from her. "I-I don't know how. . . I-It just h-happened. . ." he broke down into sobs again, burying his face again. [Name], though, wrapped one arm around his back and pulled him into her chest, allowing him to sob into her shoulder.

"I still love you, Seidou. That will never change." She whispered, lightly stroking his hazel brown locks to comfort him. The two just sat there, allowing reality to set in and recognise that this was no twisted nightmare. 

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