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Ch.37 - Heartworm

Weeks passed faster than you really knew what to make of them. From the rush of the holiday season to the workload at school picking up since the final push for the year would come directly after the winter break... everything seemed that much more busy and less free.

Dance hadn't been an exception either. And with both breakdancing and ballet back onto the usual daily activities for you, there were some mornings you were certain you'd be unable to move or even walk without a sore leg or arm. But you loved being back into the arms of dance, as well in someone else's arms as well.

The thought itself of him making your cheeks flare up and you nearly over-poured yourself a festive cup of hot chocolate. Some marshmallows and whipped cream resting on the side near you. The night was calm and your first off one in almost three weeks.

So it was strange to for once not have either the usual breakdancing subjects or your ballet partner inside of your home. But seeing as everyone was somewhere else on break, it made sense for all practice to be put aside until after the new year.

Kirishima and his family were off at some mountain village to visit family. Ashido's parents had booked an Okinawa vacation for the holidays, despite the chilly weather. Sero was staying around but his family was a bit more reluctant to let him go out since they saw the holidays as mandatory family time. Kaminari said something about his family going to Hakone to enjoy a retreat away from the city. Yaoyorozu had been the luckiest of them all, as her parents had decided to let her pick the vacation this year. And thus she was off in Vienna seeing the sites and enjoying one of most beautiful classical music capitals in this world.

Bakugou was a mystery, or at least his holiday plans were. When Kaminari had asked him of his plans at lunch this past week the male, in his usual tone, had told the straw blonde that his own plans were not his business and to 'quit shoving your deformed nose into other people's shit.' You and Mina had spent the rest of lunch trying to tell Kaminari his nose was fine and Bakugou was just being his grouchy self. Poor Kaminari was down the rest of the day, only better when Jirou had told him to quit whining and focus on the parts of him that did look good.

Meanwhile, you were at home. No family to see or visit and not having any real desire to go anywhere on your own seeing as it would only remind you that you were on your own after all. And thus, you had decided to stay indoors, partly glad the skies had been dumping so much snow this last week. Even now it was still coming down, in a way that you were sure would cause problems for those unlucky enough to have to try and drive around in it.

So focused on your pity party and also wanting to make sure the hot cocoa would not burn you when you decided to drink it, your eyes missed the flashing light of someone trying to page you down to the lobby of your building.

Thus when the elevator opened up on your floor, you were surprised, having not expected anyone to come. Ash blonde hair and that thick ensemble of winter attire met your eyes and you looked towards him with a chuckle. Not even in your perfectly warm building was he willing to shed the coat that gave him an extra few pounds. But whatever did it matter... he hated the cold and refused to be cold.

"Gou-kun?" You spoke, seeing as he was rattling the grate. "How did you get inside?"

Bakugou huffed. "Shitty doorman recognizes me now... so even when you don't let me in... he does."

You chuckled softly, coming towards the elevator and letting the male into your apartment. He entered quickly after you, watching as you went back to making your drink. His eyes looking for something festive inside your house, but not seeing anything aside from two separate piles of gifts in different corners of the living room.

Pas de Deux {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Dance AU}Where stories live. Discover now