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Jen was hanging onto her last thread as she tried to key her door but miserably failed after they dropped to the floor. All her emotions were at the brink of giving her her worst break down yet and after the stressful day she just had, all she wanted was crawl up in a ball and cry her heart out. Dropping her keys made her feel a way she never let herself feel-pathetic. A lone tear fell out of her left eye and she did not bother to wipe it up as she picked up the key and finally managed to open her door to her small apartment.

The house was in a mess just as she left it in the morning while rushing for work. Aside from the fact that is was messy, it was warm and cozy just as she liked it. It gave her a sense of security away from the harsh world. She dropped everything by her door and headed to her couch where she comfortably cried to her heart's content.

That only lasted for a while until her stomach made its whale call. She realized that she had not managed to eat anything the whole day all because of that spawn of satan she called a boss. She hated her job but she needed to hang on for the meantime. So many times she had attempted to hand in her resignation letter that lay hidden in the locked drawer of her work desk. One day she always told herself. When she gathered all the courage she could muster, she would do it. That day was nowhere near but she promised herself that she would.

Looking into her fridge, it only mirrored the emptiness of her stomach as she only had a few slices of month-old bread that had been releasing a pungent smell and needed to be thrown weeks ago. Lifting up her milk bottle, she saw that it was past its expiry date and had already formed curds. Nothing else was in there apart from a slice of cheese and a can of half-eaten baked beans. When did her life become so disoriented?

One thing she was not was broke. After managing to land her job, she cut off all unnecessary spending. Shopping for clothes once a year and only during the huge Christmas sales. Paying for the cheapest phone contract that allowed her limited time on the internet and just enough calling time for her family friends and work. Grocery shopping once each month only spending as much as twenty bucks. No coffee breaks, they offered free ones at work. The most she spent was on bills and transport as her car had failed her half a year ago on a motorway and she could not bother fixing it or buying a newer one. It cost more in the long run.

She changed out of her work clothes and threw on her beloved pink tracksuit, sponge-bob flip-flops and tied her hair in a messy bun. Comfort, that was the look she was going for and headed out to find something to eat.

Mama Joe's was a little soul food eating place that served the best warm meals she could find in her area at the most affordable price. It was baffling how cheap Mama Joe's food was and Jen always deliberately left her change, running out of the store before she Mama Joe talked her into taking it.

It was almost seven o'clock and the sun was almost setting as she briskly walked to the little restaurant, the heavenly smells assaulting her olfactory receptors. It was already filled as usual by her ever-faithful customers which had now come to recognize after living in her flat for more than a year. There were only a few seats left but she would still have to seat with someone which she did not mind but preferred to eat alone on most days.

''Mama J I am starving and your cooking has been on my mind all day'' she said feigning as much desperation as she could.

Mama Joe smiled brightly as she turned and spotted Jen.

''Come over here and give this old lady a hug'' she prompted. Jen rushed in and got enveloped in Mama Joe's bear hug that largely smelled of the beef casserole she really wished was in her mouth that very moment.

''I already have your meal dished out and waiting for you my dear. I sensed that you would come over today. By the way, this one is on the house now child. I don't want you to spend any more money than you have. All that change you left behind can feed several stomachs. How was your day at work?'' she said all that while placing the food and utensils on the tray and handing it over to Jen, not forgetting the ketchup.

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