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A brunnet of 5'5 stood in the cluttery bathroom of his home toying with his hair. He had been doing so for the past hour, he was putting a lot of pressure on himself to make it perfect. Tonight meant a lot to him, nothing could go wrong. He let out a whine as he slammed his hands down on the sink. "How do you work around ears like these!?" he huffed looking up at the masses on his head. They folded down nicely but only because of his emotions. He knew he would be a fluttering idiot on the date so they would stick straight up as his tail would wag uncontrollably. He let out another whine as he looked back at his own face. He did this for a good 5 minutes before being snapped out of his thoughts by the soft vibration in his jean pocket.

He decided to give up and trudge his way back to his room. He shut his door quickly before flopping onto his bed. Shoving his hand into his pocket he pulled out his phone. Looking at the contact he realized it was his best friend Kasey. He quickly pressed answer and put her on speaker.

"Hey LukLuk! How the prep work?" her voice was preppy,  how fitting.

"awful" Luka admitted with a whine of defeat.

"are you doing that thing you do again?" a tinge of tease graced her voice.

Luka sat up and huffed, he puffed his cheeks up as a way to pout. Of course Kasey couldn't see what he was doing.

"Maybe" he said quietly. 

"defiantly you mean?" she snickered slightly.

He let out a playful growl in response to her. She could always relax him even if she didn't mean to at times.

"it's my stupid ears, they won't work with me. I hate them so much."

"You know he adores them though." her tone got softer.

"I know and that's why I'm suffering now" Luka sighed,  a small smile appeared on his face.

Luka loved his- well he didn't know what to call Asher. They didn't establish that they were officially dating but they acted like it. It was weird and complicated, especially with the long long history of their families fude.

"Hey wolfman, Asher just sent me a photo of his outfit for tonight, He looks pretty casual. Is it a lowkey date?" she inquired snapping him out of his thoughts for a second time in less than 20 minutes.

"I- Uh- yeah, it is" he staggered to find words for a moment as he was so caught off guard.

"Then why in Satan's name are you freaking out? You can just wear your hat if it's casual" she almost yelled at him in an annoyed tone

"I want the night to be perfect Kas, that includes my hair." he flopped back onto the bed.

"He's fine with you wearing your hat and you know that for a fact." her voice was quieter and softer now.

"My hat doesn't exactly fit with anything else then my normal wear" Luka had a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Look Bup, I'll help you pick out an outfit but we have to hurry. It's already 6 and your dates at 7:30"

"You're a lifesaver Kas" he sighed out in relief.


They spent 30 minutes looking for an outfit. They finally found one that worked with Lukas dorky trapper hat. He thanked Kasey for what felt like a million times before they hung up. He rushed back to the bathroom to make sure his face looked good, his lips looked dry so he pocketed some cherry chap-stick to bring along with him.he walked downstairs and into the kitchen were his parents were.

Luka told his parents that we was going to Kasey's house for the night. It was a cover up they planned awhile ago. Everything was planned out perfectly actually. This weekend Asher's parents were out of town to see an old friend, Kasey didn't have any crazy party plans so she could cover and Luka himself had the most trusting parents in the world. This didn't mean he lied often, he only did it when necessary. This was one of those times, he would be grounded for sure if they knew he was going out tonight with the son of the enemy.

He gave them hugs and kisses before waving goodbye for the night. Upon walking out the door he felt a cool breeze on his face. It soothed him from the chaos he faced earlier. He started walking down the sidewalk to the local park,  they agreed that would be their meeting spot. It wasn't a big walk away from Luka but a decently sized drive for Asher. Luka didn't have any interest in driving so he doesn't have his license yet,  it's sad in a way because he's 18. He usually just rides his bike, takes the pubic bus and of course walks to where he need to go.

Luka arrived at the park seeing Asher. His heart fluttered and he felt his cheeks slightly flush just looking at him. This felt right... Everything was right.

Word count- 874
Time- 2 hours
Mood- really fucking sleepy

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