holy. shit.

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wtf yall?!

i legit abandoned this thing, and yall just come up here and be like "nahhh"

woooo, i see u guys like this fic a lot. as u can see i havent been on wattpad in like, forever, and that's due to a couple reasons

first of all i kinda just lost my passion for writin' idk why

second of all, i got too depressed to really commit to it

and third of all, the only time a spark really hit me in fanfics was when i read lapidots (lapis lazuli x peridot for u non SU stans) so i just kinda stuck on that

and the final reason,

i suck, i suck at writing, seriously why do u guys like and read this so much?


so i finally logged back on, and ill be deleting this fic, but worry not my loyal fans (if u even exist, like cmon I'm just a retarded teen who got bored of not finding enough izuocha and thought of making their own), for there is hope, ill be making another, and ill also bee writing on Archive Of Our Own (ao3) which personally i think is kinda superior to this site (dont attack me thats just my personal opinion) 

it'll be a while till i start on ao3, but when i will ill be telling u guys the details, i also hope to write a Lapis LazulixPeridot fanfiction soon since that's like my ult OTP (now and forever but i still love LapAmeDot)

i might make my lapidot a cross fic from both AO3 and here idk haven't decided yet.

you'll hear from me soon ig, cyall

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