Chapter 2

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I was so happy!!
"I guess it's my turn now.." I say
"Peter, c or d?"
"Dauntless." he says
"I dare you to let everyone form a circle around you, you have to close your eyes and point in front of you, twirl, then whoever you land on you have to play 7 min in heaven with."
"Oh lord.." he says
After all of that he ended up pointing to Me. And I almost peed.
"Ughh! fi-" I get cut off by four,
"NO!" he shouts "She is not yours, she's mine. Now do that twirl thing again and Tris is out of it!"
"God dang four!" peter said, "you act like I would want to, but okay."
After he twirled he landed on Lynn and we have them some time alone time.
I set a timer, "it'll go off is 7 min, but until then let's keep on playing." I say while Lynn and Peter go into the closet.
"Who goes now?" Zeke asked
"ME DUHH PANSYCAKES!" Uriah yelled.
"Four, c or d?"
"Candor..." he replies
"Come on!!" Uriah argues but Four gives him a look.
"Okay, fine!"
"What's your real name?" he asked. Oh I wanna see this.
Four takes off his shirt and show off his rippled stomach.
It was amasing!
"My turn." he says and looks at Christina.
"c or d?"
"Candor" she replies
"Is it true that you're a virgin?"
She blushes "Maybe..."
"THE TRUTH CHRISTINA!!!" I say wanting to know
She looks down "No.. I'm not a virgin."
"CHRISTINA!!" Will yells "We weren't supposed to tell anyone!"
"Tris c or d?" She said quickly after Will said that.
"Dauntless." I reply
"The timer!" I say
"Time to see how our love birds are doing!"
I walk over to the closet And quietly open the door.
"DANG IT!" Lynn yells holding a card down
"yess!" Peter said
"I won!"
"Oh god..."

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