In Death May We Part

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Disclaimer: The characters belong to J.K and the idea belongs to Salazar's Serpent.

Warnings: Fighting and Character death.

In Death May We Part;

The noise of the battle surrounded his senses. The blasts from spells cast seemed to reverberate against the inside of his skull marring with Bellatrix Lestrange's crazy cackle, the smell of smoke and blood lingered in the air as the spells connected with their targets and the taste of death so close to him; just like always. None of that mattered to Harry currently. He was there to fight, not for himself, but for Sirius, it was always for Sirius. Harry had held on to his sanity, held on to his pathetic life because he had Sirius, he had someone that was there solely for him and that meant the world to him. He nimbly dodges the spell sent by Rabastan Lestrange and blasted him back with a flick of his wand, Sirius flashed him a grin as he sent a hurling hex at Malfoy sr. The blond aristocrat flicked up a shield and returned fire, but it soared passed the Black Lord with no consequence, Harry shot a disarmer, catching Malfoy unaware and he lost his wand. Sirius took over, freezing the death eater with a silent spell and he followed it with an underarm curse blasting him back.

"On to the next on, Pup?" Sirius eyes were alight with the heat of the battle, and he had never seemed more alive to Harry than at that point. Harry returned the smirk,

"After you,"

They darted off, throwing spells at the darkly cloaked figures, not caring if their spells were as 'dark' or as 'evil' as the ones they were cursing, they were protecting those they loved, and for that they would show no mercy. Harry caught sight of Neville and saw the other teen take a hit and went to help. Harry threw a blasting hex at the floor just as a Death Eater went to curse the fallen teen, sending him flying through the air landing a good distance away. Unfortunately, his hex was a bit too powerful and Neville was pushed with it, the boy was unharmed, but the prophecy, which was in his hand, fell to the floor and smashed. Because of the noise, no one could clearly hear what it said, but one line that Harry did catch was: either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives. It was a line that sealed his fate, he always knew, deep down, that it would come to this.

"Are you alright, Neville?" Harry asked, his voice soft as he hoisted up the other Gryffindor.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I couldn't shield in time." Neville apologised, shamefaced.

"It's fine, you're alright, that's what matters." Harry told him, "Think you can cast from here, anything goes, Nev."

"I can do that," He agreed, sitting on the stone steps, his face setting in to a hard mask, "Anything goes."

Harry nodded and turned back to the fight, his eyes automatically found Sirius and his breath caught. His godfather was in an intense battle with his deranged cousin and it didn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Harry headed in their direction, cursing any death eater that tried to stop him, he felt the feeling of death surround him when he approached the veil. He was watching them fight with narrowed eyes, they were matched perfectly, astonishingly so, and Harry couldn't predict the outcome, his attention was diverted when a death eater drew him in to a duel. He was forced to turn away as to properly fight, it was intense, his head was starting to ache and Harry knew that he was close, Voldemort was at least in the ministry and by the feeling of his scar, the man was heading this way. Harry sent an overpowered Reducto at his opponents arm and followed it with a Bombardato the ground beneath his feet. His eyes caught a flash of light and his entire body froze as the light connected with Sirius' chest and sent him spiralling backwards and in to the veil, his face still lit with a manic grin as he disappeared.

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