Step One: Light

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"Father, if I told you I wasn't the prince you wanted, will you still love me?" Prince Lucretious, first in line to the Throne, asked when he looked at his father.

"Luce, you know I love you no matter what you do." His father smiled, so caring and open, there's a reason the people always loved him. Even when he's dressed in the most intimidating of royal clothes, with a scepter in one hand and a crown on his head, he still looks as equal as anyone.

Lucretious closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Father, I-I'm in love with a man." There he said it. Those words were whispered and even then he still had chills. He turned away, clenching his fists, if his father appoints another heir... Then he may as well be forfeit, after all he'd be forced to scheme against his own father. He can't bear it.

So drowned in the voice of his own head, so convinced his father would loathe him that he almost did not hear his father's words.

"Son, it's alright." His father put down the scepter, walking down the steps of the throne to hug him. "You'll be alright, my boy."

It was as if he was five again and hiding under his blankets during a storm. His hands clutched his father's cloak. Burying his head in the crook of his shoulder, Lucretious murmured against the fabric.

"I-I will?"

"Everything will be fine. You cannot help but love who you love, that is who you are." His father replied reassuringly.

They stayed like that, holding one another tight and warm.

Lucrtious blinked away the tears and he grinned at his father. "I...words cannot express my joy, father."

"Then do not speak but smile, my boy." His father chuckled. "Now, who is this man that has earned my son's heart?"

Lucretious flushed, "It would be Sir Damarion, father."

"Damarion?" His father's eyebrows shot up. "I had expected it to be, oh perhaps Killani, he's a nice boy. Or, even Nicholas, the high mage's apprentice?"

He gave an embarrassed chuckle, "It's a long story, father. However, Damarion is a good man and a kind one too."

"That I do not doubt but I must ask, why must it be your personal guard? I understand that the two of you are the same age, yet I do worry. When you first met each other, you seemed to be at each other's throats!" Father gestured.

"It's complicated, erm, I could arrange for you two to talk if you wish...?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

His father sighed. "Alright, I'll have words with the boy. But as long as you're happy with him, then I'll leave it be."

Lucretious left the room of his father with a bright smile that would linger for days.

Damarion smiled at the sight of his smiling lover. "I trust it went well."

"Even better!" Lucretious hugged Damarion, "He was supportive though he does wish to have words with you."

Damarion gulped, "I-I won't be sent to a different station, will I?"

"I doubt it," Lucretious waved his hand, letting the other one intertwine with Damarion's. "I'm sure it will be fine after your talk."

Their forehead rested and Damarion relaxed. "If my prince says it, then it must be true."

A cheeky smile grew on Lucretious' face as he leaned in closer, "Now, we shall have a kiss of celebration."

"As my prince commands," Damarion grinned and they shared a long yet chaste kiss, melting into one another.

Whatever comes tomorrow will be alright, the king will not do anything beyond a fatherly talk. At least, Damarion hopes, he'd rather not end up caring for the stables for a week to prove his worth.

\Author's Corner!/

I know it's like ten or so days since June 1 but well, it's better late than never! In which I remember I had these two characters saved up and I might as well use them for Pride. So yeah, in an effort to make me post more, I'll be updating this until Pride month is done, so sit back, grab your rainbow and wave it high.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a nice day!

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