Step Two: Flower Field

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Zinnia grinned as she ran through the flower field. She's found the perfect flowers to give to Amaryllis. She had managed to stumble upon some violets and decided to pick them. Amaryllis doesn't know flower meanings as much as she does so it must be fine for her to give her those flowers.

What she was forgetting was that Amaryllis was a history buff and her favourite time period happened to be Ancient Greece.

"Amy! I got something for you," Zinnia ran across the field to the girl who was making a dandelion flower crown.

"Is it more dandelions!" Amaryllis's eyes brightened. Oh she could look into those eyes forever.

Those eyes were as brilliant as bluebells in the sun. Cheerful and magical all in its own, with a gentle light that speaks of her character, so kind and gentle, so optimistic with an infectious smile that could turn a storm away and clear the sky to make it blue...

Zinnia cleared her throat, realizing she had yet to answer. "Uh, no, I got you some violets! I, erm, I figured you'd like them."

Amaryllis' eyes trailed down to the violets and she gently placed down her flower crown. "You have enough to make a crown, so why don't we make crowns for each other? You can wear my dandelion one and I can wear your violets!"

That smile has the power of the sun, Zinnia sighed internally. So bright and carefree, which is why... She sat down and looked at the violets, she won't dare ruin their friendship with this.

The two of them spent the rest of the time making their flower crowns. Amaryllis was almost finished with her crown anyway so it was mostly Zinnia working on her crown.

Amaryllis hummed as she watched Zinnia work. "You mentioned working on a song, the other day."

Zinnia paused in her movements before continuing with her crown. "Uh, yeah?"

"Can I hear it?"

Four simple words and Zinni wants to scream. She had let the song slip by accident when they were talking about music. She wasn't supposed to tell her about it. Apparently, Amaryllis didn't forget it as she hoped it had. The song was about her feelings for Amaryllis since she's a sap like that, what's she going to do?!

Amaryllis played with the grass, looking down and biting her lip. "Please, if it's not too much to ask?"

It is official. She is a weak willed jellyfish when it comes to Amaryllis. Maybe she can lie about the meaning...?

"Alright, here goes," Zinnia took a deep breath.

"Roses fill those glass blown vases,

Violets fill the fields,

But I could careless for those flowers,

When I'm here with you.

You're my dandelion, baby,

You're my one and only!

And if you don't want me,

It doesn't matter as long as you bloom."

Amaryllis clapped, a bright smile on her face. "It's a wonderful song!"

Zinnia finished her crown and looked at Amaryllis, "I'm glad you liked it." And she is, truly she is, because there's nothing that could cheer her up more than a smile from Amaryllis.

"Who is it for?"

"Nobody, I just got the inspiration for it." Zinnia lied as she held up her crown. "I'm done."

Amaryllis giggled, "Okay put it on me!"

She lifted up the crown and placed it on her head, her hands shaking slightly as she did so. Why are they shaking? She doesn't know but this moment, it-it feels special somehow. Is it because of the song or is it the way that Amaryllis looks at her with the soft glow of joy on her face as if she's been given a library to bury herself into?

Amaryllis grinned when she finally had it on. Giggling she said, "I accept your confession, Zinnia."

"Huh? What?"

"I said, I accept your confession and I love you too."

The world stopped. Everything stopped. The only thing that's still moving is the beating of her heart and the wind chime laughter of her friend, no, girlfriend. Amaryllis likes her back. Amaryllis said I love you.

"I, er, uh-"

"You don't have to say anything, Zinnia." Amaryllis giggled as her hand moved to hold her own.

"Then, may I-?" Zinnia leaned forward and Amaryllis moved closer.

Those gorgeous bluebell eyes, as enchanting as always held a twinkle of mischief. "You may."

At that moment the world seemed to move once more and the only thing better than kissing Amaryllis was knowing she loved her as much as she did.

\Author's Corner!/

Hehehe, I was supposed to go through the letters of lgbt in that order but I realized I had made it glbt so yeah, here's two lesbians in a flower field and being fluffy. Hey, what can I say? I have a soft spot for flower meanings and I figured why not?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading!

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