Chapter 2

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A/N: As always Vote, Comment and thank you for reading.

Edited by BizarreSmalls

Chapter 2

I spent all night at work figuring out what I was going to do and how to do it. That was a month ago. One very long and painful month. It was not painful because of her. It was painful because I had to stay away from nearly all the people I care about in my life, because I was afraid that they will figure out what was wrong. The only person I could spend any time with was Charity.

Charity is the girl I wish was my mate, she is second only to my sister on my list of friends. We had dated until she turned sixteen and we found out we weren't mates. She is a quiet girl, and does nothing to bring attention to herself. Her clothes are plain by even my reserved standards. She a slim five foot five, and even I don't know what kind of asset's she has because her clothes hide them. She has straight, mid-back length hair. She also wears glasses. She has a strange genetic trait that's made her far sighted. She can see farther and in greater detail than anyone else in the pack, but anything within five feet of her is blurry. To top it off the glasses are those thick nerdy black rim's that do nothing but hide her beautiful face.

Many of the younger pack members would tease her when I wasn't around, that is until Celine came back with Brian and I introduce them. Celine quickly took Charity under her wing. The two study together regularly now, so I only got to spend a little of what spare time I had with her.

My plan is almost complete. I've taken all my final test to graduate from high school. I've moved all the money I've saved from working and investing so I can easily get it without being found. I've just two things left to do before I go, one of them involves Charity.

All the surrounding packs sponsor what we call werewolf prom. All werewolves from sixteen to twenty are encouraged to attend. Many mates have found each other at this dance, plus it gives the older members of the packs who are supervising a chance to socialize with those who've moved to other packs.

Celine found out Charity didn't go when she turned sixteen. So she recruited me to help her get Charity to go to the dance as her escort. I can't say no to Celine and plus I know Charity won't go by herself. We had this planned before Bella came back and I will be damned to ninth circle of hell before I let her take this from me. Celine took Charity dress shopping. All I was told was to get a crimson red tie and a corsage with a red flower hint hint.

The day before the dance Celine dragged Charity off after school. I know she saw me and wanted to talk to me. I could see it written across her face but I quickly made my escape.

I pulled up in front of Charity's house in my dream car I just bought that day. I loved the revamped bumblebee camaro from the original transformers movie. It's even in the bumblebee colors from the movie. I've wanted this car for years, and I've bought it outright.

Brian pulls up behind me, a slow grin spreads across his face. He knows how bad I've wanted this car because while he is the future beta, he is a comic book guy. He calls them his guilty pleasure. The only reason I know this is we go to the same hole in the wall comic book store.

“So you finally got it.” I go for a handshake and he pulls me into a one armed hug. “Where have you been man? If I didn't know any better, I would say you've been avoiding us.” He gives me a look that says he knows I've been avoiding them.

“Well I've been working hard to buy this guy. I own it outright, no payments.” He just makes a out with it gesture with his hand. “Okay, okay. It's Bella.” Should I tell him? No. “I just don't like girls like her Brian. Celine doesn't like her and your mate is a good judge of people. Plus her saying she's Marcus's mate when we all know if she was he would have marked her right off.” I look away from him.

I know I'm chickening out. I don't know what else to do. I will not let her go after my family because of me. Brian puts his hand on my shoulder.

“Tom look at me.” I keep looking away. “Thomas, look at me.” He puts some of his beta command in his voice, so I look at him. “What has she done? Did she say something to you?” It would be so easy to tell him everything.

“She made it clear she didn't want me hanging around her, and that I should stick with people more like myself. And she’s always hanging on Marcus so I've stayed away.” He gives me a hard look.

“Tom you should have said something to us. We are your friends, you do know that don't you?” A twinge of guilt runs through me.

“I know Celine is my friend, but I've never been sure about you and Marcus.” Brian get's an uncomfortable look on his face.

“I guess we haven't really went out of our way to show it, have we. But I've a question for you Tom. When you look at me and Marcus, do you see your future alpha and his beta or do you see us?” I look him in the eye and really think about what he's asked.

“When I look at you two, I see two guys who could have any girl and get anything they want just handed to them but don't. You were never a player before Celine, and would rather cut off your own arm than cheat on her, and Marcus could have gone down such a different path. With his position and looks, he could be a real nightmare, but instead he is a great guy. He's had all of what, two girlfriends that I know of besides your sister, and he's not gone all the way with them that I know of. It's just damn intimidating to me, you know that.” He chuckles, shaking his head.

“We're not perfect Tom, not the way you’re making us out to be.”

“But you’re a hell of a lot better than some I've heard of.” He nods his head.

“That is all to true Tom. You’re right about me with the Celine thing. We consider you our friend Tom. How you just accepted her when she came back with me, it means a lot to the both of us. For that alone, I would gladly call you my friend, but it's all the other little things you've done for all of us that has earned my respect and friendship.” By the goddess, big stab of guilt now. “And you’re right about Marcus, he's waiting for his mate.”

“See right there, he sets the standard too damn high.” Brian just laughs.

“You would know man, unless you and Charity have.”

“No we didn't. She is younger and, well, it's just a Holland family thing to wait.” He taps my chest with one finger.

“And that right there is why he is waiting for his mate, because you are.” I look at Brian like he's lost his mind.

“You’re telling me that Marcus, who could be the pack playboy if he wanted to, is waiting for his mate because I am?” Brian slings his arm over my shoulder and steers me towards the door of Charity's house.

“You would be correct, he respect's you a lot. And for the record, Thomas Holland we have always seen you as a man we gladly call a friend. Now enough with all this deep shit, let’s collect the girls and hit the prom and maybe you and Charity will get lucky tonight and find your mates.” I plaster a grin on to my face and follow him inside.

If he only knew.

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