The Raven Boy

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The Ravens are seen as monsters, angry, fierce, cold blooded, and life sucking monsters. Along with the rest of the town of Apple Valley, I had thought the same. The Ravens were no good. They never left the house during the day, but the legend says that they leave after sunset where everyone is usually home enjoying their home cooked meals. They were mysterious people, but that's what attracted me to them. I patiently watch their house from sunrise to sunset which was easy since they were my neighbors. But now I see them differently; I see he isn't wasn't like his parents.


I sat on my roof at exactly 7PM where the sun began to set behind the mountains that stood tall in my enormous backyard. Half of Apple Valley fell into eternal darkness while the other half had at least half an hour of daylight left to spare.

With a bag of potato chips as my only snack with me on my roof, I wait and wait and wait. An hour has passed and here I am sitting on my roof "stalking" the beasts of Apple Valley, cold wind whipping against my bare arms and legs and darkness swallowing me up. Porch lights turn on, spotting the city like fallen stars, but the Raven's household was dark and lifeless. Silent.

I sigh. Another day wasted. I slowly begin to walk over to the brick wall lined up against the edge of the roof when a small light from inside the house flickered on. I freeze. Still as a statue. Then another light flickers on. I slowly and carefully crouch down on my wall, glancing at the small house next door. The Ravens are alive and moving. The lights then flicker off but a small orb of light moves slowly to the back door. I crawl closer to get a better look.

The door creaks open and what comes out of the house catches me by surprise. Instead of an old grumpy man or women, a teenage boy stands in the door way with a flash light in hand.

"Who the hell is that," I whisper softly. The boy closes the door quietly and hops over the fence into the alley way. I slip down my wall and stare through my small gate. I open it, a creak creaks; the boy stops. He turns, his sharp blue eyes glance in my direction. My heart stops.

"Who's there? C'mon, I don't bite." He flashes his light towards my direction and I quickly dodge the light, hiding behind the brick wall. I can see the rays of light beaming through my gate.

"How do I know you won't bite?" I holler back. I hear the boy chuckle.

"I guess you just have to trust me."

My mind says not to, but deep down inside it says I should. I slowly reveal myself into the light, my eyes being blinded. I turn my face and grunt. I cover my eyes to block out the blinding light.

"Can you shine that thing out of my face, Raven Boy?"

The light was pointed to the ground. "Sorry," he whispers. I uncover my eyes to see him standing there, the Raven Boy. He was tall, slim, and... good looking.

 I slowly approach him,his blue eyes on me. "Are you one of them?"

"Of who?"

"The Ravens,"I clarify. His eyes drop to the floor,his head hung low.

"Yes, but the stories you hear are false. We're not monsters." A smirk appears on his face. "I know you're scared, but don't be." His eyes met mine, chills travel down my spine.

"What are you doing?"I ask, my voice trembling.

"I know who you are.I seen you before.You wait on your roof, looking at our house." He inches closer to me. " I always admired your uniqueness and bravery." I can feel his warm breathe. His lips brushing against mine. My heart is racing.

This isn't happening...

"But you should be scared."

Then like magic, he's gone; the Raven boy is gone. All that is left one the floor is the flashlight with its light streaking across the concrete floor.

And a black feather...


This is just gonna be a collection of short works. They'll be at least a page or two. Not so long but not so short. I hope you enjoy it. Comment. Vote. Share. Thanks :)

And I dedicate this to NathanJamesHoran whose stories rule! Check out his Stories The Pale Faces both 1 and 2 :D

Have a nice day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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