Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Age:6 years old =42 years old
Breed:Newfoundland dog
Looks:Personality:soft,charming,nice,protective,laid back
Stray or owned: stray
Likes:sleeping,resting,getting pet,bones,eating ,pups
Dislikes:things to do with fighting,biting,having to starve
Backstory: I was born a stray with my mom. When we were crossing the street she got hit and broke a leg. Some human pick her up and forgot all about me so I sit on random humans porches waiting for my mother
Other:has a aggressive sideScenario 1: you were chasing after a dog . While chasing him you cornered him. Before you leapt at him a brown dog came out and walked in front of the dog,you...
Scenario 2: you were walking down the sidewalk looking for food. When you stopped you saw a dog trip over a trash can and start to eat meat,you...
Scenario 3:make it up