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"That I can do." Minato said knowing it was a good idea, but he hated that it meant he had to be in the kitchen and not keeping Laxus away from Naruko, but what could happen in a few hours? Naruko is not ready for anything after years in Konoha and she can summon him instantly if she needs ...


"Where is the demon?" Danzo asked with a scowl. The bloodied Stone ninja tied up on the floor remained silent. "Very well ... remove another."

"Yes, Danzo-sama." The closest ROOT ninja said as he stepped forward and roughly ripped a fourth fingernail from the Stone ninja's hand, but unlike every time before there was no sound. The ROOT agent yanked the captive's hair to get any reaction, but then the captive's mouth opened revealing the problem. Upon opening a gush of blood came pouring out followed by a chunk of flesh it was clear what happened. The Stone ninja chose to kill himself by biting off his own tongue to get out of the situation he was in.

"This is infuriating ... where could that demon filth be?" Danzo scowled as his men secretly kidnapped and began torturing another Stone ninja. Little did he know another group was looking for the supposed 'demon' and these people were not allies ...


"I can't believe we can't find a single trace of her anywhere!" Jiraiya scowled darkly and looked up from the map he was marking as he heard Kiba enter the hideout with two others who were Hinata and Shino.

The toad sage scoffed, "Maybe your clans aren't as skilled as you thought you were."

Kiba twitched in annoyance, "Well, if you think you can do better you go get Naruko. Whoever took her is skilled-"

"Or you three ignored her for years and no nothing of her scent." Jiraiya said bluntly making the three ninjas flinch. "Yeah ... thought so." Jiraiya scoffed as he turned back to the map and made a black mark over a spot two miles away from the where the hideout was.

The collection of marks were making a circle. However, there was an issue with the shape of the seal, which was more oval like than the circle it should be. Unfortunately, that means the full scope of the seal isn't known and therefore the center can't be found yet, which now wasn't very surprising since that ghostly thing was right in this room. The others were searching for any hidden messages to fully map out the seal and reporting any findings to Jiraiya through the earpiece in his ear.

Shino sighed at his teammates' guilt riddled faces and looked at the toad sage, while staying out of reach due to some mental trauma from Jiraiya's groping, "We are trying our hardest. Samples of her chakra and scent were found so it's only a matter of time before we find her trail. There should be something since stealth wasn't her strongest skill." He said being careful on how he described Naruko's lack of talent for most ninja things.

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow before scoffing mockingly, "Are you sure about that?"

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked curiously only to flinch as Jiraiya shot her a sharp look.

"If I were trapped in a village who hated me and believed I was the reincarnate of a powerful demon then I would do what I could to look as much like a very unskilled and unthreatening demon as possible." The toad sage said as he looked over at the small picture of a young Naruko. It was the one Orochimaru kept and was apparently the only picture in the village of her.

Kiba frowned, "You think she's been hiding her true skills this whole time?" He said a bit skeptical since it seemed unlikely that she could hide all this time without any slipups.

"She's the fourth's daughter and was forced to hide or face even more pain and hate. Does it really seem that strange when you think about every beating she survived and still made it to class on time? Or how about all those times she was run into the forests, but found her way back just fine even as a child? I don't care what you believed, but it's clear she was more skilled than she let on." Jirayia said never letting the photo of the little blonde out of his sight.

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