Chapter Seven

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"How was Cozumel, Ava?" my sister, Tina, asks as I step onto her front porch.

I shake my head. "Amazing and horrible all at the same time," I tell her as the tears start streaming down my face.

"Oh, no, don't cry." She wraps her arm around my shoulder, ushering me into her house. "Come inside and have some tea."


I've been crying since I left 'Mason' standing on the beach in Cozumel. I had to get away from him. I had to breathe.

I love him too much to pretend any longer.

When our therapist suggested the idea Colin and I have a fling, we couldn't believe our ears. Cheat? Um, no way.

I've never been with any other man but my husband. And I wanted to fix our marriage not add more problems to it. But, then Noel explained her idea: Colin and I were to pretend we didn't know each other and have a fling—with each other.

'Go to a resort, meet, and have a torrid affair,' she said.

Make up fake names, we were instructed, and don't tell each other what name we chose until we introduced ourselves to one another. He picked Mason, and I picked Kyla on a whim. And then we were supposed to only call each other by the names we gave.

Pretend to be someone new. Remember what it felt like to be with each other before this burden started weighing us down.

I thought the idea was crazy, but I was desperate to save what we once had. I was willing to try anything.

Colin was all in. "'What could it hurt?' he had said.

So, I went with it. I trusted my husband.

When he sat down with me at the bar, I almost couldn't do it, but it felt right. Being there with him felt different. Like him and I were two different people. It was exciting.

And I almost started to believe it. I think at one point in the night I did believe it.

"We'll get you unpacked after the tea," my sister says to me, pouring me a mug and adding a cube of sugar.

"How do you make your marriage work?" I ask her, sitting on a stool at her kitchen island and blowing onto the liquid in my cup.

She smiles, stirring her spoon into her own mug of tea. "It isn't easy. But, when you love each other I think you can work through anything."

I wonder if that's true. Because I do love Colin. Toddler toys scattered about her living room and backpacks discarded in a rush, remind me that one day he might want this life.

"I just need some time," I tell her.

"Take all the time you want, but you can't escape from it. You will have to face him."

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