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(Image not mine)

I walked in class "Hey (Y/N)" said the Bubbly Uraraka "Hi" I Said going to my desk and unpacking my things. "Do you think we'll have a Substitute Teacher for Sensei since you know..happen" Uraraka Expression went a Depressed state for a moment.

"I really don't know" I Said "He saved our lives at least we can thanks him" she muttered. "But even so I just He doesn't come here and Teach us with his state" Said Deku walking up to us.

"Yeah Izuku has a Point" Said Mina "But I wonder Who'll teach us for today?" Said Todoroki. I looked at him but looked back at Uraraka. "Okay class Settle down now" all of looked back at Our Sensei Aizawa "What are you doing here?" All of us Asked well Expect Me and Todoroki.

"Hey Round Cheeks your on my Seat" yelled an Aggressive Voice 'Bakugou' I thought. "Oh Y-Yeah Sure Bye (Y/N)-Chan" she ran off to her seat.

"You really need to stop scaring people" I said sitting down. "Oh yeah, says the girl who boys are afraid of" he said loud enough so I can hear.

"Not like I care" I muttered. "As you heard the Sports Festivals are coming up" He said.
Everyone cheered on "I've seen it before" Said Kirishima.

"It's where all UA students fight each other?" Said Tsuyu "But Aizawa Sensei what about (Y/N)?" Asked Momo yoayorozu. 'What about me?' I thought.

"Yes What about Miss (Y/N)" Said Sensei. "She'll Win With her quirk" she said pointing at me. I got up from my seat "Scared of a little competition?" I asked.

 I got up from my seat "Scared of a little competition?" I asked

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"O-of course not" She Said. "Then why are you asking Sensei about me? you sound so weak" I Said.

Momo had bring her hand up "you little- before she finished she brought her hand to my face but before it made contact with me I grabbed it.

I pushed her back she almost fell but grab her desk. "Your a waste my time" I muttered. From the beginning I never her.

I felt an Impact from behind I almost fell but I grab Tooru Desk. "I'm not Weak" she said "Then why do you act like it?" I Said Smirking.

"Shut the hell up what do you know?" She yelled everyone had there eyes glued on both of you. No one wanted to say anything.

"I know your a waste of my time" I Said "whatever" She Said and went back to the desk.
I sat down "What are you all looking at?" I asked.

Everyone gulped and looked away.
"(Y/N) you really need to stop Scaring people" Bakugou Whispered.

~Time Skip To lunch brought to you by Homura Hair Flips~

I took out my bento it was Octodogs, rice, Onigiri and Noodles

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I took out my bento it was Octodogs, rice,
Onigiri and Noodles. I wasn't paying Attention until I noticed someone walking up to me.

"C-can I sit next t-to you?" I looked up to my surprise it was Bakugou. "Uhh...Sure"I said he sat down next me.

"So what brings you here Bakugou?" I asked eating one of my Onigiri. "D-dont get t-the wrong I-idea you e-e-extra" he said.

"Do I make you nervous Bakugou?" I asked "N-no" he said eating his Ramen.

The rest of the lunch was quite until Bakugou spoke up. "Sh_t head" I looked up and nodded "I want you to train with me" he said clearly.

"Sure i was gonna Ask you that anyway" "Can I see your Cell" he bluntly yelled. I gave him my cell "Try not to break it" I teased. "Will you Shut the hell up for once" he yelled and gave it back.

"Don't tell the Extras I gave you my cell" he cockily said. "Bakugou I have a Question" I said. "Yeah what the hell is it?!"

"Why did you put Explosion Daddy?" I said Showing him my phone

Authors corner:

Mega Oof I'm sorry for not updating and also no Hate on Momo I just wanted to add some Rival and Sh-t I may have made Bakugou abit OOC so I apologize and I may have change the Plot cause I don't Remember Season 1 or 2 lol.

Bakugou: Vote for me you low life readers
(Y/N): Bakugou all your doing is making Reader Chan not vote

Bakugou: they'll vote for me *Smirks*

Author- Chan: please don't forget to Vote that will help me a lot :D to improve my writing more. Have I nice day everyone

All For you Bakugo x Reader •Discontinued •Where stories live. Discover now