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*Bip bip bip*

I woke up to this annoying sound, once again. I went to hit the "snooze" button, but it was really odd for me to be up this early. I rubbed my eyes, still wondering what the heck was happening to me.

-"What day are we ? Why am I waking up at 5h30?"

Of course the room was filled with silent, leaving me and my sleepiness alone. I turned to my calendar.

-"Monday 8th of April... OH SHIIII- I am actually running late once again. Oh god why am I so dumb, I only have 10 minutes left to prepare myself, eat and then I gotta run to my mother's car... what a good day already.. I swear to god if I miss my plane.." I thought to myself while running,looking for some clothes. I picked up a sweatshirt and a high waisted jean. It was really simple but still.

-"That'll do... I guess.. Oh wow I only have 5 minutes left."

I runned to the bathroom, combed my brown hair and went to pee. I never had been this rushed in my entire life.
I took my luggage and ran to the car. I was too late to put on make-up and eat.

-"Cathy, you are always late I can't believe how unlucky you are. But, as the chill mother that I am, I packed you a lunch before waiting for you, here" she laughed and handed me the bag that
contains my food.  I took a bite of a  cupcake and decided to put on my make-up while my mother started the engine. It was going to be a long ride.. approximately 30 minutes I think.

Ah my mother.. I won't see her for a long time. I need to go to korea because the school I want to go to requires us to have spent at least 2 years in korea. It will be the first time that i'll be away from my mother. She's the only one that was left on my family. My father, who used to serve in the army, died in a war, 3 years ago. And my grandparents died due to their age. I insisted on my mother to go live with her friends during the time that i'll be separated from her. I hate the thought of leaving her alone. Her, and the unhealthy things that might go in her mind. I promised her to call her every night and text her every morning.
As we became closer and closer to the airport, I could feel my heart beating heavily, it felt like my heart could burst anytime. I was nervous.
It is my first time taking the plane all alone.. Me and my classmates will wait for each others once we all arrive to Seoul.

I looked at my mother, I could litteraly feel her heart breaking behind her sigh, her eyes were becoming filled with tears once the "Airport" sign showed itself. I rested my head on her shoulder, trying to convince her that it was going to be alright, eventough I was as worried as her. And my eyes were becoming watery too. I closed them, trying not to cry.
I know it's supposed to be an happy moment like "Woohoo, i'm going to a new country, new people, new culture" but my mother was breaking my heart so bad.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

-"Cathy, we've arrived."
-"Ah.." my voice was shaking from the heartbreak that we were both experimenting "Already..?"

We got off the car but then.. I couldn't see any sign that directed me towards the plane that I needed to take.

-" What time is it ?"
-" it's 6:05, why?"
-" Fuck. I missed my plane.. the flight was due at 6:00"
-" I swear to god you must be damned... what an unlucky girl you are... let me check when is the next one to korea..."
-"it's in 25 minutes.. I can't believe you missed your plane.. I told you to wake up at 5:15.."

I just sat down in despair. What is my class going to do ? What AM I going to do in a country that I don't know anything about ? I have basic vocabulary but that's all.

We went in those shop that you have in a airport, I bought her a plushie, it was a german shepherd : her favorite dog. And I also gave her a letter that I wrote the night before. It was just saying how much I love her and how much she changed my life as a human being.
As for my mother, she bought me an oversized shirt that said : "There's stars in the sky and there's a star on earth. Yup, that's me".

-"You didn't tell me, what are you going to do there ?"

-"Well each person is going to have a tutor. We don't know them but they have a list with the student name written on it. One student equals one tutor. Then, the tutor will show us the dorm, take us to some markets etc. We will also have to study there. It doesn't normally happen, but since we're not fluent at all in korean, we'll have a teacher."

-" Oh ok.. well I hope everything will turn out fine and that you'll be happy. I will miss you a lot and don't..."

-"Yes I won't forget to contact you. I love you so much and I will miss you too" I hugged her tightly and we both headed in front of my plane because it was time for me to leave.

-" I guess this is where everything ends.." She said, tears running on both of her cheeks. She hugged me one last time, trying her best to stop herself from crying.

And me ? What was I like ? Girl I seriously didn't want to leave anymore but I know I was obligated. I was a crying mess and the fact that my mother gave me a hug didn't help me either.

-"I love you so so much, I will text you once I'm arrived" I kissed her cheeks and went on my air plane. I looked at her one more time before the plane took off.

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