One Last Deal

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"You deserved so much more and so much better," Carmilla admitted painfully.

"Then tell me why I didn't get it," Elle snarled back, a lot less apologetic and a lot less gentle. She crossed her arms and scowled at her ex.

"Because of me," the ex admitted with another painful nod. "I did this to you. I ruined you. I lied to you, I betrayed you, I led you astray, and then I killed you..." even though it looked like torture, Carmilla dragged out every little last apology and confession that she ever owed to Elle.

"I abused your hospitality and trust. I used your own yearning heart against you. I used and abused you, manipulated and deceived you. And then because of me, you were killed. Your young and innocent life was unfairly ripped away from you, and it was all because of me..."

Carmilla's head continued to lower humbly before Elle's vengeful soul. Elle continued to watch her with a cold distaste. Although seeing Carmilla groveling at her feet for forgiveness was everything that she'd ever wanted, it still was not enough to make up for 150 years in Hell. Elle's vengeance was still not yet satisfied.

"I want my life back!" she continued to insist, plain and simple, glaring down her nose at the apologetic Carmilla.

"I'm afraid I can't give you that," Carmilla replied, clutching the brooch in her hand even tighter.

"And why not?" Elle's voice sharpened at Carmilla's continual refusal to see justice done and return that which she had stolen.

"Because this life is mine. I won it back fairly," she answered, even though she knew the reply would infuriate Elle. She was not disappointed.

"Then why am I not granted the same clemency?!" she snarled, looking ready to fight Carmilla again. It was a far cry from the meek little girl she used to be. Now she willingly attacked vampires if it meant that she would finally see justice done.

"I don't know," Carmilla admitted, taking a small step back as Elle got ready to fight.

"But you could give me your life nonetheless!" Elle tried again, taking a larger step forward. She wasn't about to let Carmilla get away so easily.

"I could," Carmilla agreed, then she swallowed painfully as she finally said what was truly on her mind. "But I don't want to. Even if I know that I owe it to you, and all of the other people that I've hurt across the centuries, I don't want to. I've finally found a life that I am happy with, a life that I am proud of, and I want to bask in it. I want to enjoy the life I've worked so hard to earn. I don't want to give it to you. I want to keep my life..."

"But what about me?!" Elle shot back, but for once, her whines only caused Carmilla to cringe in guilty pain, and not roll her eyes in irritation. As selfish and childish as it was of Elle, her desire for a new life was not a sin. How could Carmilla accuse her of greed when she, herself, had committed the same crime? How could Carmilla belittle Elle for wanting her life back when she, herself, was currently living it up right now? (Which essentially proved why Elle's desire for her life back was totally valid).

"I know you do," Carmilla murmured. "But I don't want to give mine up either."

"I didn't have a say in the matter when I lost my life!" Elle growled threateningly. "Why do you deserve a say in yours?"

"I don't," Carmilla tilted her head guiltily. "But I still want my life."

"So do I," Elle straightened her back, a clear challenge.

"But listen to me, Elle, even if you had my life, what would you do with it?" Carmilla pleaded. "I do not mean to sound cruel, but you have no way of supporting yourself on the outside. Even if all my friends were to help you, would you really feel happy?"

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