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Sean was walking in the pavement with his bike. He had no plans on where he would go but wandering in this unfamiliar place felt fresh on his mind. Sean was already burned out in his life because of the people around him. Their expectations suffocated him like someone just put a rope around his neck that slowly straggled him until he could no longer breathe.

Running away for a while was the best option. He chose to free himself from those toxic people who knew only but to complain. Sean rolled his eyes in exasperation. He wished they would leave the hell out of him and mind their own businesses.

Feeling aggravated of this unknown place, Sean rode his bike and maneuvered in the streets like a free man. The sense of freedom he felt intensified and paddled his bike in speed where no one would catch him until something or someone caught the glimpse of his eyes.

Sean turned, unaware of his surroundings and his bike, and saw a girl walking in the pavement. Sean couldn't help but stare at her. There was something mysterious about the girl that caught his attention. Something that he couldn't scratch a thin on his skin.

A loud scream brought back to his present self and rounded his eyes in shock when he realized that he was still paddling his bike. When he looked at the front, there was a big truck ahead of him. Unable to control his bike, he crushed himself on the truck and fell on the ground.

Sean was gritting in pain and people around him surrounded asking and shouting if he was okay. He felt suffocated by the mass of people around him so he got on his feet to escape but fell again because of the pain on his knee.

He tried to get up again but he felt a hand on his elbow and helped him to stand up. Sean turned his head to that person to give thanks but his lips were locked like a vise and his world seemed to stop from spinning around.

"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

Beside him was the girl he watched a while ago. The mysterious girl who caught his eyes in abrupt attraction. The girl he couldn't help but stare and drowned by her mystic eyes.

His chest tightened as his heart was thumping so strong it would leap any moment. He unconsciously clutched his chest as if to stop his heart temporarily. Her eyes looked on his chest and put her hand to his, asking him again the same question.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Her voice seemed to echo on his mind. He didn't pay attention to his surroundings but her hand on his chest sent fire on his body.

Sean backed away from her slowly, a faint smile escaped from his lips.

"I'm okay."

But my heart isn't.

People started to get back from their routine and the girl assisted him to the pavement. Her hand on his back and the other was on his elbow. Sean gulped at the sensation he felt on his skin. On his mind, he wanted to get burned on her touch forever.

"Thank you," he said gladly.

She smiled and Sean couldn't help but stare at her, in trance.

"What's your name?" he blurted out. He didn't want to miss anything to this girl. He wanted to know her more than he ever realized.

A coy smile escaped from her lips. "Why do you want to know my name?"

Sean looked at her directly to her eyes as if looking to her soul. "I want to know you more. There was something in you that caught me imprisoned. Do you believe that?"

"Be careful, you can't be escaped."

"I don't care if it's you who imprisoned me."

Sean was surprised by his words. It was bold and he didn't regret saying it to her. He didn't believe in falling in love at first sight but it happened to him now.

And he was falling harder than he thought.


He shot up to stare in wonder. "Elise?"

Elise smiled. "My name."

He returned her smile and offered his hand to her. "Sean."

She accepted his hand and the fire between their touch intensified. Both of them gazed at each other and they knew that there was magic that was happening to them. Something mystical and enigmatic that would trap them to their own fantasy.

Sean stared at her, unashamedly. "I know that it's too fast but my heart is telling me not to let go of you. Would you mind if I court you?"

Elise smirked. "You're too fast."

"I know that but I'm aware that you feel the same way."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Your eyes told me otherwise."

Elise looked at him in awe and gave him her sweetest smile. "Okay."


"You can court me."

Sean yelped in joy. "Really?"


He jumped as if he won in a lottery. "Thank you."

Sean walked closer to her and held her hand as if it was the most treasured thing in the world. He stared deeply into her eyes and uttered the words he wouldn't thought he could.

"I love you."

Elise stared at him deeply and smiled lovingly. Sean knew that this woman in front of him was his destiny. He knew that now. They were both lost and trapped in their eyes.

And they both wanted to get drown by their stares forever.

*** The End ***

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