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Name: Kenna Shlirohn
Nicknames: Kenna
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 3721
Birth Date: Invalid
Birth Place: Hell
Currently Living In: Earth/ The United States
Species: 1/4 Pyromancer, 1/4 Shadow Demon, 1/2 Human
Ethnicity / Race: Invalid
Citizenship: None
Religion / Beliefs: Invalid
Astrology Sign: Invalid
Chinese Animal / Zodiac Year: Invalid
Blood Type: Invalid
Chinese Element: Invalid
Father: Kurt Shlirohn 
Age: Deceased
Relationship: N/A
Mother: Unknown
Age: N/A
Relationship: N/A
Brother(s): None
Sister(s): One
1. Candice Shlirohn (Female)
Age: 1273 (Young)
Relationship: Protective
Spouse: None
Age: N/A
Relationship: N/A
Children: N/A

Extended Family Member(s): One
1. Frankie Litewein (Male)
Age: 6,915
Relationship: Like a younger sister to Frankie
Pet(s): None
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 183 lbs
Frame / Build: Muscular
Hair length: Mid-back
Hair color: Grey
Eye shape: Round
Eye color: Grey
Complexion: Rough-Skinned
Face size (broad, narrow, etc.): Broad
Voice type: Deep for female
Foot size: Doesn't wear shoes
Tattoo(s): None
Scar(s): Calloused hands and multiple spots of rough skin on feel
Other notable accessories: Horns and Tails
Any other identifying mark(s): Darker Skin tone, black eyes with white pupils
Politicial Affiliation: None
Economic Class: Irrelevant
Social Class (nobility, artisan, merchant, commoner, etc.): None
Occupation: None
Income: None
Residence: Anywhere
Transportation: Feet
Favorite Food(s): Raw meats
Favorite Sport(s): Hunting
Favorite Book(s): None
Favorite Show(s): None
Favorite Music: None
Favorite Color(s): Purple
Clothing Style / Preferences: Loose clothing that lets her move
Hobbies: Hunting
Role Model(s): Her Uncle
Likes: Hunting, food, the warm air
Dislikes: Sugar, snow, televisions
Good Qualities / Trait(s): Kenna is surprisingly careful around friends. She doesn't want to hurt people, but will be protective of her friends from others. She is also very cuddly, and loves to be held and given headrubs.
Vices / Negative Trait(s): Kenna's power itself is very unstable. She can hurt on accident, and beats herself up if she hurts someone. Kenna is also very dominant around friends who try to tell her that she's weak, due to her being raised in hell.
Strengths: Kenna is very powerful in the form of fire.
Weaknesses: Kenna can't stand water or ice, and gets really anxious if she's restrained.
Habits / Idiosyncrasies / Quirks: Kenna has a habit of playing with her own fingers if she gets uncomfortable, and she also happens to act like a cat around those she likes. She likes to rub against them and lay next to them.
Phobia / Fears: Kenna has a huge fear of tall buildings and heights. She likes to be able to climb things, but she likes being able to get down even more.
Loves: Head rubs and cuddles are part of Kenna's list of wants, and she loves affection from that special someone.
Hates: Kenna hates water, being yelled at, and snow.
Aliases: None
Team affiliations: None
Powers / special abilities: Fire control and the ability to love silently in shadows. She can also transport herself to hell, but she has to come back in the same spot she left from.
Other skills: The ability to leap from tree to tree.
Weaknesses / Kryptonite: Water/ice and multiple enemies. Kenna is a one-on-one fighter.
Character theme song: None
Celebrity / IRL lookalike: None
List down any future plot twists / conflicts you are planning for the character here (for series, companion books, etc.): Possible Relations to a Human

): Possible Relations to a Human

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