All is fallen..

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In the beginning, we're scared

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In the beginning, we're scared.. at the end, we scare.

I don't know where to begin.
I don't know where YOU want me to begin.
I can't begin to think back to the VERY first day that EVERYTHING changed, everything that faded into small pieces of forbidden memories.
The world was no longer sane, no longer safe.
Every single day you had to either run for your life or fear for it.
You had to make sure you were safe and at the same time keep the ones you loved safe too.

It was hard.
Hard to live with the fact that you had to constantly live in fear.
Everything was different.
People changed.
Things are out to get you.
The dead will do anything to make sure you don't live to see the next day.
Even if you don't want to.
You don't want to die.
That's just one more problem out of millions.

A small breeze flowed through the empty rooms of the bricked school.
The once happy atmosphere has vanished and was replaced with a gloomy, fearful, sad and dark one.

The once green grass, now brown and burnt to a crisp.
The sweet smell of flowers and fresh air, gone.
The smell of the dead stung the very nose of the ex students.
The happy songs of the birds was replaced with the grumbles and groans of the dead or the screams of the living.

A yawn escaped the soft lips of a girl, a girl who was everyone's friend.

Her right leg hung off the cold, hard bunk bed.
A thin blanket tangled around her body, her brown hair messily in her face as an arm was thrown over her face.
Soft snores left her same soft lips, her chest rising and falling with every delicate breath she took.

The agonizing knocks brutally woke her up, she didn't move, she only grunted in response.

Soft chuckles were heard on the other side of the beaten up wooden door that separated the sleeping girl and the dumb blonde on the other side.

The door slowly creaked open and in walked the said blonde, carefully walking their way to the sleeping beauty.
Sitting down on the end of the bed, the blonde poked at the girls stomach that was exposed due to her comfortable position.
The girl groaned and wiggled herself around, "go away." The girls groggily voice rang out.
"Nuh uh." The blondes bold, manly voice said in response.

He was met with a harsh slap across the shoulder.
He gasped and held onto his poor shoulder and sadly looked over in the direction of his beautiful best friend, whom looked like a mess, though she still looked beautiful.

Her wavy, brown hair that met her shoulders was all messy and her eyes barely open due to the sleep.
She once again groaned and stood up slowly, stretching. Satisfying pops and cracks rung throughout the room.
The male smiled and stood up as well, "if you keep groaning, people are gonna think a walker waltzed in here." He joked.
The girl side eyed him and shook her head.
She slid on her gray t-shirt, over her white tank.
Sighing, she finally spoke, "what'd I tell you about waking me up?" Her soft but yet raspy voice asked him.
He hummed in thought and finally a conclusion came to him, "that I should never disturb your 'beauty sleep'?" He emphasized the last part, smiling deviously over at her. She rolled her eyes and once again slapped his shoulder.
He flinched and watched her walk out of her room after she slid on her black boots. "Whatever Marlon."

The sun had just risen and barely any of the kids were awake.
The girl walked outside and looked around before sighing. The courtyard was a mess, picnic tables sprawled about, couches here and there, weeds and rubble everywhere. The tall gates patched up with any piece of wood or metal the kids could find, the handmade watch towers on both sides, the flag poles old flag loosely hanging, no wind to accompany it, it's tall stand, the graveyard hauntingly leaving bad memories.

The graveyard..

"Ana?" A female voice rang out, causing the said girl to jump out of her skin.

"Jeez Minne, DON'T fucking sneak up on me like that!" Ana said holding her heart and chuckling mid sentence.
Minne just smiled and walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "sorry bout' that." She cooly said.
Ana shook her head with a smile and shrugged her hand off. She began to walk to the graveyard to visit him..
Her brother, or well, adopted brother.

"Zac!" The little girl screamed out towards her only source of survival.
The scene of her brother running into a horde of the walking dead to distract them, to save his little sister. The little girl cried and screamed his name, to no use, he didn't come back.

A hand grabbed her arm and tugged her away, to start running.
Marlon, her life saver, but not like her brother.
"Come on Ana! We've gotta go!" He called out to her.
She looked at him sadly and then back to the horde that seemed like they were having fun feasting on something, most likely her brother.

She nodded slowly and started to run with Marlon, "I'm sorry brother.." she whispered, tears rushing out of her tear ducts.
End of flashback

"Ana?" The same female voice called out.
Ana didn't realize she was balling her eyes out, on her knees, perched in front of where her brothers belongings were buried.
She looked up at the red head and then back down at the dirt.
She wiped her face and slowly stood up, looking down as always.
Her shoulders shook from more sobs escaping her innocent soul.
Minne quickly engulfed her friend in a tight, gentle hug.

There they stood, lovingly holding onto each other.

Ana couldn't help but cry, to let everything out.
This was something she longingly needed, to let it all out.

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