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I shouted and ran toward him, I dropped to my knees in front of him
"Dipper are you alright?
What happened and where's Tad?
The light blinded us and when we looked back he was gone"
He seemed to not be able to lift his head
"Bill, his magic is drained and is practically gone"
Will said concerned as I looked up at him
"Here, he can use it more than me"
Pyronica put her hand on Dipper's shoulder, the flames from Pyronicas mark were dancing as if revitalized by the magic she was giving dipper.
He tried to move his body, when he could without any problems he stopped Pyronica.
"That's enough energy Pyronica, thank you"
She nodded and leaned on Will
"Anytime Sapling"
Dipper tried to stand up, but stumbled, I rushed up to catch him
"Are you okay?"
He looked like he was mad at me, even though he was hiding it well enough
"I'm fine"
He slowly got off of me, making sure he could walk without falling and headed to Pyronica, he let his hand hover over her arm and started to heal where Mabel ran her arm through with a sword.
"Dipper I'm fine, don't over-"
"Pyronica I'm fine, my magic is restoring its self even as I'm healing you, but you know I have lots of questions for you"
He motioned to the ring.
She only nodded
"I wasn't so asleep when Bill tried to put me to sleep"
Dipper left the more mine wounds on her, he was probably trying to conserve his magic.
He placed a hand on Will chest, and seemed to heal him, whatever injuries Will received wasn't visable to me.
"Thank you Dipper"
He smiled and nodded at Will, he headed back towards me and healed where Tad stabbed me, he seemed to heal more of my minor wounds than he did the others but still didn't heal me completely
"Thanks Pinetree"
He nodded and went to Mabel's side, he kneeled and set his fingers of her head, he seemed to be waking her up
"Sapling, should you really do that?
She was on Tad's side"
He nodded at Pyronica
"That wasn't actually her"
Will said confused
"She was under Tads influence, she has been for years"
He brushed some hair out of her face and healed some of her injuries.
How could I have not noticed?
"Ford has been under control to, they're not the only ones either.
Tad only brought them for 2 reasons. One, he brought Mabel to rub it in my face, Two, he brought Ford because he has weapons and is strong, he probably didn't think he would need anyone else"
"How many others are there?"
He smiled sadly at us
"Anyone that I've ever cared about, even if we were just friends...when I say everyone, I mean everyone"
"What about your family?"
Will asked
"Yes, them especially. Take Mabel, she was the closest person to me, she was my twin, my other half, we were inseparable...she was the strongest out of everyone, she lasted a month before she succumbed to the spell just like everyone else"
"How long were they like this?"
I asked him, is this why when I first saw him again after 7 years Shooting Star and all of his old friends were so mean to him?
"Since I admitted to Mabel what Tad was doing to me, she already knew but pressed me to tell her, so I did.
It's my fault that this happened to her-"
I cut him off, I'm not going to let him think this was his fault.
"Dipper it was not your fault so don't even think that for a moment"
He nodded and noticed Mabel was starting to wake up
"You guys might want to step back, she doesn't know you guys are good guys yet. The last time she saw you and was herself you both tried to take over the world, she doesn't know Will, and the last time she saw you bill, you took me away"
Will stepped towards Dipper
"Here Dipper"
Will touched the top of Dipper's head and gave him some of his energy, not much but enough to keep on going after healing us
"Thank you"
He turned back to Mabel
"Hey, Mabel? It's time to wake up"
He spoke softly to her
"Dipping dot, it's way to early to be getting up"
Dipper smiled as he heard her reply
"You do realize your not in bed right?"
After he said that she opened her eyes and tried to come out of her sleepy state
"Dipper, where are we? And how did we get-..."
She trailed off
She said and looked towards Dipper
"Dipper I'm so sorry! I didn't realize what I was doing I didn't have control over my own body and I said all of these mean things to you and turned people against you I-"
"Mabel, calm down. I know it wasn't really you who did all of those things to me, you've been under Tad's control for awhile"
She hugged Dipper
"I'm so sorry"
He smiled and melted into the hug, he seemed relieved to have her back
"I know, I forgive you"
"Hey Shooting Star..."
I said quietly and stepped forward
She just noticed that they weren't alone, she looked around and noticed the ballroom was practically destroyed
"Who-Shooting star?"
She seemed to try and figure out how she knew that nickname
"Bill! You showed up I'm gravity falls and took dipper-"
She tensed and pulled apart from her hug with dipper
"Mabel, he's not a bad guy anymore"
"He's not?"
Dipper smiled
"No, and neither is Pyronica"
She looked over at the Pyronica
"What about the blue guy?"
"Will is on our side to, he's actually Bills twin brother"
As he said that she seemed to examine us to find the similarities.
She stood up along with dipper
"O-oh, since when did bill have a brother?"
"He's always had one, we just didn't know he did"
I think it's time we make amends, either I do this now or she's going to be a huge pain in the future
"So, Shooting star...how about we start over?"
I stepped forward and stuck my hand out
"You won't turn this into a deal will you?"
She asked cautiously, Dipper laughed as I shook my head no, Will was confused.
"No, no deals this time"
My time for deals is over, well with the pines family at least.
"Well, if thats the case"
She smiled and took my hand
"Consider the slate clean"
Dipper smiled as he watched us make up, a tear slid down his cheek as he smiled happily, I won't let him be sad ever again.
I left Mabel and went to him
"Hey, it's okay, we're not going anywhere"
I said and wiped his tears away
"Bill's right Bro Bro, I'm not going to leave your side ever again"
He nodded
Mabel then went to Will and Pyronica
"Hi, I'm Mabel, and your...?"
She stuck out her hand
"I'm Will"
He shook it
"I'm Pyronica"
She said and shook her hand as well
"It's nice to meet you, I love the color pink"
Hm, I guess she hasn't changed that much since weirdmagedden, though she seemed to have toned it down a notch.
"T-thank you?"
I almost laughed at Pyronicas reaction, she is definitely not used to getting compliments, esecially from a human.
"Your welcome!"
Mabel said happily, while they started talking Dipper went to ford, healed him, and woke him up just like he did Mabel. He came around faster than Mabel did.
"Grunkle ford?"
He called out softly, Mabel came and joined him
He groaned
"You can tell Stan I'll be up in a few minuets"
"Grunkle ford"
Mabel giggled
"What is it Mabel?"
"We aren't in the Mystery shack"
He groaned once again and sat up, he opens his eyes and looked around at the damaged room
"What happened here?"
He said and his eyes landed one me, Will and Pyronica, he immedialy jumped up an searched for anything on him he could use as a weapon.

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