What is family for?

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Jenny uncomfortable with what happen.. It's not her brother character.. she want know what actually happened.. she drove go to Winner House and meet with Jinwoo Oppa.

"Where is Mino Oppa? He is here right?" ask Jenny

"Mino at his room.. but what happen at home? why Mino so moody?" say Jinwoo

"Something happen.. can i meet him?" ask Jenny. Jinwoo nodded. Jenny go to Mino room. Mino surprise to see Jenny at there but before he can do anything, Jenny already ask..

"What happen just now? This is not you.. follow me back home and say sorry.." ask Jenny

"Why?" ask Mino

"Why? Oppa! you make mummy and daddy cry.. They sad! Go meet them and sorry..." say Jenny

"Why you so care.. before this you never think about how disappointed mummy and daddy is.. you never think about what i feel.. so why now?" ask Mino

"Oppa.." say Jenny

"You know why i hate Kai.. because of him, our family like this.. Because your stupid love, our family is become like this.. and now? mummy and daddy want accept Kai because you.." say Mino

"what you mean by that? Because us?"ask Jenny

"Because of your stubbornness, your go to Paris to meet him, and what happen when daddy know? Daddy blame me! Ask me to leave Winner.. When Kai ask you for marriage and you say Yes without think about our parent.. what happen to me.. I can't join winner concert and also Winner activity..When you decide to study.. and getting sick, and i won award, where daddy & mummy? and now? you say not because of you?" say Mino

"Oppa.. why you bring this back.." ask Jenny

"Because i'm tired! you know how hard for me to be as i'm now.. how much i do sacrifice.. My time, my tear, my energy.. you know how much i love to sing and rap.. how much i love to perform on stage.. I know daddy always be behind and support me... I also know mummy always monitor my stage.. but because of you.. i left far behind.. why?" say Mino

"Oppa.. i need them at the time... i'm sorry if that make you upset but can you understand that.." say Jenny

"Where are they when i need them? with you.. Not only you have problem Jenny.. and i don't ask 24 hours & 7days a week for they look at me.. I just ask little time.. where are they.? you know what is more sad thing is.. when i missing on action.. i go far from korea for 2 week.. everyone at YG looking me.. all member seach me everywhere.. but my parent? not even ask.. why? buzy with you.. buzy with your problem.." say Mino

"Oppa.. I'm sorry... I.." say Jenny

"Give me some space.. I'm so tired now.. to face all the crazy thing.. so tired... I hate to see your face now.. so please give me some space..please..  i afraid that i will hate you forever my life.." say Mino. Jenny shock hear that.. she crying so much.. Asking for forgiveness but Mino just be silent.. His heart is very hurt. Jinwoo is listen from far and go to get Jenny.

"Give his some space.. Don't worry okey" say Jinwoo 

"anything just call me.. Thnx oppa.." Say Jenny.. She go with heavy step.. at front door, she see Kai.. Kai go to her and she just cry in Kai hug.


Time elapsed so fast.. Jenny wedding is tomorrow but Jenny still don't hear anything from his brother.. Jiyong & chearin so worry about Mino but preparation must go.. 

"Mummy, if oppa not come.." say Jenny when she meet Chaerin at the kitchen.

"Mino will come.. i know my son.. " say Chaerin

"but if he not coming.." ask Jenny

"Wedding must go on... i don't know.." say chaerin.  Jenny understand what his mom feel.. His daddy also have to face this too.. She don't see this coming.. His brother so mad and he really show that he don't care about his sister... Jenny never see his brother mad like that in his life.. She don't know how to talk with his brother.


Next Day in Winner house :

"What you doing? Today is Jenny wedding.." say Hoon

"I'm not going.." say Mino

"what?! Mino, she is your sister... Just go, show up your face.." say Hoon

"No.." before Mino finish his word, Hoon go push him go to wash & be ready... Winner member ask to Mino follow but Mino say he want go my himself.. 


Jihoon going to his studio but he saw Mino at park a front his studio.. 

"what you doing here?" ask Jihoon after tap Mino shoulder.

"nothing.. what you doing here?" ask Mino

"Our studio is here.. I just come to take an invitation card. Nothing? your sister wedding in few hours.." say Jihoon

"i'm don't know how to say about this.. I know she is my sister.. one and only but my heart is so hurt to go there.." say Mino. With Jihoon, he can tell anything..

"don't because your ego, you want to do something you will regret later.. as you say, She is your one and only sister and she will getting married.. once in his life... don't your think she want you at there?" ask Jihoon.

"I know.. she come to give invitation card at winner member.. Jihoon, what should i do?" ask Mino

"Want go there together?" ask Jihoon

++To Be Continue
+++ Final Part will be soon 😁

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