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Behind the strict and loving Asahina Ukyo, there's a lonely man that has a lust for revenge. Everyone thought he is just fine. But what they don't know is that he is wearing a mask to conceal every pain he felt and is feeling. He trusted her. He cared for her. He loved her. But she never did. She fooled him

He is a mysterious prince they said. They can see a prince who knows a lot about flowers in Asahina Iori. But it is far from reality. He doesn't behave like a prince. Ever since the person he loved the most died, he became someone far from everyone's expectations. He became dangerous.

Both of them built a wall so no one can see the real them. So they can maintain the image their brothers looked up to. But all of a sudden, Ema Hinata stepped into their world...
And slowly...
The walls they made crashed down.

A Sin To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now