Sleepless night.

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                                                    Chapter one. 

Hello there so I am writing this book because I don't know why but I write sad books better then happy ones. I don't know if my mind just thinks more sad things then good things but I love writing books so I'm going to write a book about this girl who is getting really sick but dosen't know why, Her name is Alex, and she is 15. So here we go. 

               The unknown sickness, not knowing when I was going to get sick or be fine never knowing was just not killing my body but my mind set as well. Not knowing why this was happening was kinda making my parents worry. I was confessed as well as them. I was up many nights throwing up and not just food and water, but it was also becoming blood. When that started to happening my parents started to call doctors spending thousands of dollars trying to get test taken doctors calling other doctors asking for if they know anything this could be, with no one knowing I was getting worst. I was scared because I thought I was going to live for a really long time not having to worry about anything boyfriends and finding a best friend. None of that had matter until now that this unknown sickness was taking my life slowly and painfully. I didn't know if it would take my life when I was asleep or awake walking around, Not knowing is how me and my parent's got the name. It may not be what the doctors call it, But they aren't even sure what it was either so the name worked great for them too. 

                       I had started doing so much research myself trying to figure out what it was. I had found this support group that was great for what I was going through so I had my mom take me. I had met this girl name sierra, She had had the same thing that was going on with me. Doctors were asking her questions she didn't even understand because she had never heard of it. She lost her mom and dad in a car crush when she was only 6 years old. She had found out after joining the FBI That her dad wasn't who he had said he was. He was a secret agent that was undercover, trying to find a man named Jack but went by the scare crew, because he had made people scared but then made them in his crew. But the crazy thing is she was hunting him now without even knowing it was who had killed her father. After 3 years of looking of Jack she had kill him. But she made him cry for his life. After that she decided that she wanted to leave the FBI after that had happen the unknown sickness started in her body too. 

                I had got to know her and we became really good friends, and one day it was all taken from me. But it wasn't me it was her, I had to drive her to the hospital because she had began to have a stoke right in front of me. I was driving 105 to the hospital. The doctors stopped it but she was almost brain dead one more minute of a stoke and she would have been brain dead. I stood by her the whole time she was in the hospital. I was holding her hand. Random people would come in and asked if I was okay if I needed anything I wouldn't take anything I hadn't eaten for days the nurse had to make me eat. Because now I wasn't taking care of myself. My parents came and tried to take me home and I wouldn't leave. Then Sierra boyfriend had came and checked on her, I had her laptop and me and him would Skype he was in the military. He dropped out and ran to make sure she was okay. I whispered in her ear you have a great boyfriend, but she couldn't reply because she was in a coma. 

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