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Get it together, man!

With one last splash of water to his face, the dark-haired guy looked straight onto the mirror and stared at his reflection.

He noticed how his cheeks were turning into a shade of pink, probably from the cold, which was more visible due to his pale complexion. The bags under his eyes weren't that noticeable, unlike before, mostly due to his nights spent in overthinking. His parted lips were slightly quivering, making him bite his bottom lip.

"Hyung!" He slightly jumped with the sudden knock on the door, "You've been there like forever! Come out!" Jisung was knocking nonstop and Chan knew better than to stay inside and let his mind wander until he reached another couple of minutes, just looking at his reflection.

"Ok! I'll be out! Stop destroying the door!" He shouted back, his voice reverberating through the small-spaced room. He heard other voices behind the closed door, probably people whom have parts earlier.

Chan wiped his face with a clean cloth, ran a hand through his locks, and did a double-take on his appearance, just to make sure he looked presentable and void of suspicions.

He came face to face with a serious-looking Jisung, his electric guitar already strapped on his back, arms crossed on his chest. "What were you doing that took you that long in the bathroom? Gosh, hyung! Were you—" His voice was judging and it didn't take Chan a second too long to understand what the younger was implying.

"I was releasing some pent up stress! Nothing else. Geez. You need to clean that brain of yours sometimes. I wonder how it's still working with all the rust and dust." The older pushed him aside gently, drawing near to one of the couches where he placed his laptop and keyboard. He could hear Jisung laughing behind his back. Moron.

"But seriously, hyung..." Jisung started when his laughter died down, "...are you alright? You look pale."

Chan snorted, "I am pale, thanks for noticing." He shoved everything in his bag, closed it, and grabbed his acoustic guitar.

"Paler, then." Another voice chimed in, obviously from their shortest friend, who happened to be a little drunk. "Hyung, you were literally running straight to the bathroom after we performed earlier."

Chan just shrugged, "I felt nauseous so I let out some unwanted stuff from my stomach. Nothing really important." He grinned widely, trying to lure his friends away from their concerned states.

"You sure?" The youngest pressed, still not convinced of what he reasoned out. Although it was true, his friends already knew how he deals with his problems. He wanted to face them alone if possible. Of course, Jisung and Changbin already have their own personal problems, Chan didn't want to become an addition. So whenever life throws him lemons, he just takes the hit alone. He'd just look for comfort from others if it was raining rotten lemons.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I can still ride the bus home if that's what you're worrying about."

"Then what were you nauseous about?" Changbin asked, slumping on a couch, his eyes closing every once in a while. This drunkard.

"Uh, alcohol maybe? You know how I get when I drink." He sheepishly smiled, hoping that they wouldn't see right through his transparency.

Jisung huffed, "Yet you still take them."

"Of course. It was free after all. And you know how stubborn I am." Chan ruffled his hair, earning a light smack against his shoulder. "Don't touch my hair!"

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