Please dont

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When I was going to the bathroom I saw.....

Jabez and he had his knife to his hand I ran after him i went into the boys bathroom but I didn't know which stall he was in so I look at all the guys shoes and I knew which one was Jabez because he mostly only wears his white nike airs I went to that stall and pushed it open

Grace:Please Dont
Jabez:Why do you care?
Grace:Because even tho we broke up I still care for you and love you
Jabez:I can't take it anymore!!!
Grace:What do you mean?
Jabez:I can't just sit here and watch you get kissed by another guy that isn't me
Grace:You act like this is my fault your the one that cheated on me and Tommy wouldn't be kissing me you would if you didn't cheat
Jabez:I know I was being stupid
Grace:Yes you were broke me I lov- *Voice crack* I loved you and and you broke my heart
I started crying I couldn't help it tho even if I did seem stupid I was pouring myself out to him
Jabez:Grace I'm really sorry I know you will never forgive me but I'm sorry I was just jealous-
Grace:OF WHAT!!
Jabez:I was jealous of you and Gio you guys were so close and I thought he was trying to take you away from me and I thought you were giving in so I just gave up and cheated
Grace:Jabez I really love you but I just can't anymore I gave you everything and you cheated on me over jealousy
Grace:I think I'm just gonna go *Wipes tears*
When I was about to walk away he grabbed my arm turned me around to face him we were inches away from each other
Jabez:Grace i know that these words mean nothing to you but I'm really sorry I never meant to hurt the girl I love but did I really do love you Grace
Grace:I love you too Jabez but I'm not the type to cheat so um I'll break up with Tommy
Jabez:Grace no you still love him
Grace:I know and your still with how about we just see how things go
Jabez:Yeah ok
Grace:Well ima go back and Jabez please don't try that anymore have you done it before?
Jabez:No *Looks down* this was my first time almost doing it
Grace:Well don't try anymore I don't know what I would do if I lost you
We hugged then went back to class
Tommy:Hey is everything ok?
Grace:*sighs* Yeah
Tommy:Baby don't lie
Grace:I swear I'm not lying
Skip to Lunch
I was walking with Addie to the Cafeteria when Tommy comes
Tommy:Hey Grace can I talk to you?
Before I say something I look at Addie
Addie:I'm gonna go catch up with Jiggy
Grace:Bye...So what do you need?
Tommy:I'm really sorry about this but I think we need to break up..I just feel like you love someone else and I'm kinda losing feeling and liking someone else I'm really sorry
Grace:No it's ok I was kinda losing feeling also friends?
We walked back to the cafeteria and then sat at he table we usually sit at
Addie:Hey what happened
Grace:We broke up
Addie:OMG I'm so sorry
Grace:Damn chill out I'm fine we just both lost feelings for each other
When I said that I saw Jabez look at me
Grace:Well good bye my friends ima just skip the rest of the day
Addie:What?!? why
Grace:Because I just kinda feel like it
Addie:If your skipping I am to
Everyone at the table:Ima skipping also
Grace:Oooooook so we need car arrangements so who's cars do we have
Addie:Ok so that's 3 because I saw Grace also pull up in her car so in Graces car will be her and Jabez
In Andres car will be Him,Sam,and Tommy
In Jiggys car will be me and Jiggy ok everyone dip out and meet at graces house
When Addie was arranging the people who road in the cars as soon as she said "Me and Jabez" I gave her the "Bish wat" face
Addie:See you people at her house*Starts smirking*
Grace:Ok well I'm going
Jabez:Wait for me
Skip to the car Ride
We rode a little in silence until...
Jabez:Would you ever take me back?


My crush//Jabez Villalobos Where stories live. Discover now