The Reunion

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Martin and Soul were sitting in a dark compound, same as the one in India. Just it was a little more organized. Soul like always, was during on a chair with his legs up and his head sunken down in shadows.

"The first death was of Mr. Kowalski. He was found inside a far away well. When the police brought him up, he was found facing towards the ground. The police concluded that it is a suicude."

"What do you think?" He asked in his dark tone.

"Well, if he had to suicide, then why would he suicide in a well which is 5 km away from the countryside?" He asked.

"Fine." Soul said. "You are as good as you were then."

"The second one is of Mr. Killian, who died by drinking poison."

"A person who wants to suicide would never choose poison." Soul said. "Because there is a chance that he will be treated in a hospital, right on time and would survive. Besides, poison kills slowly and work pain. If someone wants to suicide, he would take a simple and faster way. So, this is simply not a suicide."

"Next, we have Mr. Burgh. He shot himself at the head."

"That sounds like suicide." Soul added.

"The fourth one is a female- Miss Yelena. She slashed her throat and died, her body was found dead in her bedroom, no footsteps." Martin said. Soul said nothing on that one. "The last one... Is of Will Smith."

"You missed the fifth one." Soul said.

"The fifth one... Is actually.... Ummm...."

"Tell me, what is it?" Soul persuaded.

"Well, it was Mr. Elvis, a friend of Will. He hanged himself, but the postmortem reports say something else..."

"What?" Soul asked. Without a single movement in his body.

"That.. The subject died of heart attack." He said. Soul remained silent, literally silent.

"Soul? Are you there?" There was no response. "Soul?"

Then suddenly, a late this came from behind, like someone fell from above.

"Who's there?" Martin asked. The place was quite darker then before, that's why Martin could not see anything clearly without a torch. Then slowly, a figure rose from the ground, Martin flashed the torch on its face. It was a girl, but she was hiding her face from the flash.

"Who are you?" Martin asked.

"Well..." Soul said as the lights suddenly switched on. "You know her already."

Martin saw her face. Red hair hanging to her side, which she jerked off. She was Laura.

Then suddenly another body fell on her from above. A dark haired, well built man, in a white lab coat.

"Ouch." She said

"Where are we?" He said as he stood up.

"How was the journey professor?" Soul asked in the same voice. "Interesting, I guess."

"SOUL." Prabhas said. "Well, you can call me by my name. I am just twenty-nine years old."

"It's thirty-nine Professor..." Laura said. "Although, you look like twenty-nine."

"Laura!" Martin exclaimed.

"Martin? She asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I called him to assist us." Soul answered, his head was still in the dark, from the very start.

Suddenly, Martin's cell phone ranged. It showed that Chief was calling.

"Take it.... Call him here." Soul said as he raised his head suddenly, astonishing professor and Laura. Martin was used to it.

His golden eyes sparked with a plan, something big....

It was late evening. Chief was worried about what happened back at the funeral. Three days... Three days to chase our shadow. He was unable to make anything out of it. But what would happen after three days? Another death? Another attack? What was the opponent planning to?

He needed his answers, and he also needed help. Where the hell was Martin?

"Martin? He is gone to library." His mom said when Chief asked her about him. "Oh, my boy loves the books so much. Soon after fee returned from his job in the office, he went out again and headed for the library."

But when he checked in the local library, he wasn't there.

"Oh Martin, where are you?" Chief said to himself as he called him. He didn't expected him to pick it, fortunately, he did.

"MARTIN! Where are you? I have been searching for you from past thirty minutes!" Chief roared at the phone.

"Chief... Underground....I am sending you the location....please make it quick." He said, his voice was breaking due to unstable connectivity. He didn't say anything else after this. Just after that, Chief received a notification on his phone. It was Martin's location. Chief just sighed and began to run towards his new destination.

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