How it all began

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Fixit:Lieutenant Bumblebee I have tracked a decepticon..its in a rainforest..not far from fere-brtz-smere-brtz-HERE

Strongarm:What a weird place for a decepticon..

Sidestreaker:Very weird place..if I do say so myself

Sideswipe:CAN WE GO!

Grimlock,Denny and Russel:Sideswipe can you please calm down please


Bee:Thank you Fixit..Autobots lets rap up and roll out

Drift:Come on students

*Go through groundbridge and fall into lots of mud*


strongarm and Drift's minicons:*Silently giggles*

Bumblebee and drift:Lets find the decepticon and get back

All:got it

What they dont know is the decepticon is watching them

???:Stupid Autobots..they won't put me back into stasis again...*thinks about who the autobots would care for the most*The femmes (the girls)...Perfect..*fades into the shadows*

Bee:Team split up and try to find the con..if you do call for back up but if none of you find the con return here..ok

Others:got it bee

*they split up;drift and His minicons..strongarm and sidestreaker..sideswipe..grimlock...bumblebee*

??:this will be the best plan ever *laughs like a psycho but silently*

~Strongarm's P.O.V~

Me and sidestreaker haven't spotted the decepticon yet but we are gonna keep could be anywhere really

~Nobody's P.O.V~

Strongarm and Sidestreaker start to get chills down there spine because they feel like someone is watching them

??:*Sneaks behind both femmes and hit them in the head causing them to pass out*time to get back to my for now home*leaves with Strongarm and sidestreaker on his shoulders*

~Sideswipe's P.O.V~

Have not found the con yet so I will return to where we started

~Grimlock's P.O.V~

Going back to the start..the others probably found the con

~Drift's P.O.V~

this is strange no decepticon here..wonder how the others are doing..

Drift:Students lets turn back

Jetstorm and slipstream:Yes teacher

~Bee's P.O.V~

this is not working out...there is no decepticon here...have the others found it..they would have called if they found it though...heading back

~Nobody's P.O.V~

*everyone meets up except strongarm and sidestreaker*

Bee:found anything

Others:*shakes head*

Bee:Wait..where are strongarm and sidestreaker??!!

Others:we don't know..they have not returned

(Little do they know the 2 girls have been "kidnapped" by the decepticon)

~girl's P.O.V~

*Start to wake up but look terrified as they are in chains like steeljaw did to them and in front of them was the mastermind of their disapperance*


??:cant do that little kitties


??:My name is DarkMark by the way..Decepticon Magic specialist..and lets say I need you 2 for something..lets just say you will not remember my name after..

Girls: *gulp*

~Back to the boys~

Sideswipe:We need to find them...NOW

Bee:Come on autobots..lets head in the girls' direction

Others: *nods*

*All of them leave to find the girls but take a wrong turn and finding them in decepticon hands and they jump out*

~Nobody's P.O.V~

Girls:*Happily shout*GUY-

DarkMark:HOW!!?? *gets mad* say bye autobots *shoots humanized magic at the girls and their "Saviours"*I am leaving before they can get to me *starts to run but falls in the mud and gets stuck*

Drift:Strongarm and sidestreaker are out cold but we need to get them free and back to the base so fixit can test them and us to see if we are fine

Bee *nods*correct..lets get them free and back to the base

(Missing all boring stuff like getting them free and taking them back to the base and taking the tests)

Fixit:You are all go get some recharge and put Strongarm and SideStreaker in their personal quarters

~The next day~

(They found out the magic turned them into humans and some start to panic because they woke up naked infront of boys and some dont panic because they are more confused and dont notice that 2 people are naked infront of them)

Trapped as humansWhere stories live. Discover now