CHAPTER TEN Love Conquers All

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(This is a chapter back to Laci and Carlos having their romantic night. But it will cut to how they are now in this chapter. Sorry if you might be confused but I will try to not make it so.)


One Day Earlier 


I got out of the shower and dried off wearing some nice black pants and a nice buttoned up shirt. My hair was combed back a bit and I went downstairs to make Laci and I some dinner. Linus and his daughter Ariel were inside their room we kept them locked in and Jay was in his room knocked out asleep as I saw when passing by his room. 

Laci was in dressed in a nice purple strapless dress her hair braided on her left side of her head. I made us a romantic spaghetti dinner with human meant of course as beef. After that was done and our garlic bread was done as well. I made my famous house salad which everyone loved a lot of and so I served this to Laci and I. I poured us both a glass of red wine and we had our date night to a good start. 

After dinner was done I took us out for a nice little stroll out into the winter night which wasn't ass cold and brutal yet. We walked for like maybe about fifteen minutes and we headed back to the house ready to make love. I wanted her so bad and I knew she wanted me too. 

We went into the house and up to our room which I carried her bridal style like and the closed our bedroom door leaning her against it as we kissed and made out all hot and heavy like. I could feel a tightness in my pants as she unbuttoned my shirt kissing on me making me sigh. She had me undressed quick as I undressed her slipping her out of her dress exposing her beautiful body. I laid her down on the bed taking my time kissing on her. It wasn't long before I was inside of her and we both finally came. We laid in bed holding each other. "I've missed you." She said to me. 

"I know baby. I've missed you too." I said kissing on her neck. We fell asleep in bed not letting each other go as we were all tangled up in the sheets. 



The other night that Carlos and I had made love felt so good, I had been so lonely since Tonya has been gone and I just couldn't handle the silence at most times I would have Jay stay inside to talk to me as I would clean since Tonya was a talker I had to have some sort of noise and voice as I did my daily chores. I could tell that Jay missed her the most and sometimes Belle would come over to help with whatever I needed or some of the other house wives around us would come by and bring us food or meat. 

I have felt a bit better since Carlo and I had made love and I didn't feel as sad. He would be inside the house at any moment to have dinner with us so I was cooking and also baking cookies for us for dessert as I cooked my famous lasagna. Dinner was made and Carlos came inside heading up to wash up for dinner when Jay came down and we let out Arieal and Linus. No we did not keep them locked up in that room all this time, we let them out and lock them back in at night. Linus had been helping with the search. There was a knock at the door and I went over to see who it was and to my surprise it was Atlas and his dog Arctic. "Evening ma'am I was invited by Carlos to come over and have dinner?" He asked politely. "Of course come in." I said kindly. 

Arctic wanted to come in but Atlas commanded him to stay out on the porch. "No its ok he may come in." Said Carlos. I didn't mind having a dog in the house. We all sat down for dinner when I gave Atlas a salad since he wouldn't eat our lasagna because it was human meat. "Thank you for dinner Carlos it was super nice of you." He said grabbing some garlic bread. I made plenty of salad for us all and our guests. "I can make some food for your dog." I offered as we all ate. "Oh really? Thank you." Atlas was very appreciative of us and our hospitality which I liked. He was a big muscular man and he was pretty tall and he was young maybe early thirties. He carried a gun on him or an ax all the time. 

He was a experience survivalist and I liked him for that. The men in this country of ours were saying that he was like the ax man to their Red Riding Hood story. He would also chop wood for us all and bring it to us for the winter that was yet to come. "I gotta bit load of logs out there for ya'll." He said as we all ate our dinner not saying much. "Thank you Atlas that's very nice of you." Said Carlos. 

I got up and made his dog Arctic some dog chow of gravy I made from scratch with a bit of the juice from our lasagna that stuck to the pain. I gave that to him and he ate it rather quickly. "Arctic say thank you." Atlas commanded his dog. And Arctic made us all laugh when he barked a loud bark and a howl at the end. "He says thank you and that he likes you." He said smiling. "Aww well that's sweet." When dinner was done Atlas offered to wash the dishes for me and we let him do that while Arctic kept us company playing and licking our hands and jumping on some of us. 

When the dishes were done we all said our good nights to one another before retiring to our own rooms not saying much to one another after that. 

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