Chapter # 6

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The next morning
"Hira?" I call her and she pick the phone after two rings.
"G. Kya hua?" She asked.
"I agree. Tell mama papa." I said and I was feeling that i have no emotions.
"Wwhhhaaattt??" She exclaimed with joy. I remain silent.
"Ok. I come to home and tell mama. Ok. Bye." She hurriedly said and end the call.

After two hours she came to house. I was in my room when she came.
"Are u really sure?" She asked.
I just nod my head in positive while my eyes were fix on my hands. I fear that if I would see her eyes she will know the Truth. She came and sat near me. Placing her hand on my hand, she said, "I m really very Happy and mama papa will also be happy. Zain is not capable of you. I m your well- wisher dekhna (look) One day you will respect my decision and give me best wishes." She said smiling.

The whole was dancing with happiness. My parents was also very happy. When Hira told them the news she exclaimed with joy and came to my room. My father kiss my forehead and my mother hug me tightly.
"I know. Look I told u she will respect my decision." My father said pointing towards my mom and she was smiling brightly. I could see happiness in their eyes.
" Now come we have to call Saeed' family and also inform relatives." My father said smilingly and they both leave the room.

Engagement Day

I was sitting in bridal room and my heart was beating fast. It just felt that it would come out any time. All the guests has arrived and now it was my turn to go. My cousins and parents came to the waiting room. My eyes were fix on Zain. He was looking happy.
If he is not feeling hurt then why I m ruining my parents happiness for him? I thought in my mind. 

I was lost in my thoughts then my someone put hand on my head. I looked up and there stand my inspiration and the love of my life, my Papa. I stand up, he kiss my forehead. 

"Let's go." He said and take my hand. I just nod and walk beside him. 
As we enter in the hall, all the eyes were on us. Reaching near stage, Rehan forward his hand. I don't want to take his hand but I just can't reject him in front of gathering.
We sit on the sofa and exchange rings. Rehan tried to talk to me but I kept silent. After ring ceremony, photographer told us to pose in different styles. That was the most difficult time for me which was not passing.

Some days later

"Mama?" I said.
"What happened? Why are u worried? Why are you calling me?" I asked my mother who was looking worried.
"Your in-laws call today and said they want the Marriage ceremony to be held after two months. They are going to perform Hajj and they want that Nikkah done earlier." These words fall like bomb on me. I was thinking that in this period of marriage, Zain might come with his parents and I would reject Rehan's proposal but how can they said that marriage ceremony held earlier.
"But mama what did u say?" I asked in worrying tone.
"Beta. Your father and me are willing for this and we have told them." she said. My father was also sitting beside my mother. He was looking happy.
"We call you here to tell you that your Nikkah will be held after two months." My parents told me and leave the room.
Each passing minute was disturbing me and I just want to relax my mind but how can it possible in this situation.

Wedding preparations start in our house and everyone was happy except me. How can i be happy when I did not want to marry Rehan. I love my parents and I can't see them heart broken because of me.

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