Escape Me

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(Omg I spent like two weeks just trying to perfect this because I've wanted to do the dinner table scene for so long, I just never got around to it and didn't think I could ever do it good enough. *^* I feel like this scene is like the beginning of the author showing Allen's affection for Tyki, although it was clear Tyki respected/liked him at LEAST by the time they met again during the Suman arc. c; Sorry that this is such a lengthy chapter, by the way! It was a pretty long scene! I hope that this was good enough, too. I've got more oneshots from this arc coming soon, including Laven, which tbh I don't even think I've done, before. I always plan to but then get all excited about Poker Pair. xD

Anyway, this is the second part of a multiple-part oneshot-series. This mini series of mine will be just me going over the ark arc and "exposing" Tyki and Allen's hidden thoughts and intentions, as well as everyone else's opinions on this and that and how I wished things would have gone, during this arc/how I felt they might have talked/acted "off camera". :3

This one takes place during that "dinner party" that Road and Tyki planned just before their fight to leave the ark. It almost seems like the author was implying that they have more than just a friendship, the way Tyki and Road were talking, haha! I can't help but ship it!)

Tyki's POV

Tyki sat in that room of books, flipping Allen's button in his hand repeatedly in order to entertain himself while he waited for the exorcists. "I really hope he gets here", Road groaned. "It would sure be disappointing if he were to die by Jasdevi and all of this would've been for nothing."

The noah of pleasure ignored his niece, staring at the button as he continuously flipped it in his hand like it was a coin. He agreed with her entirely and had come to realize that he actually enjoyed his fights with the boy. He and Road both could agree that he was their favourite exorcist and, more than that, they always looked forward to meeting with Allen. Whether they looked forward to fighting with him, killing him, or simply meeting with and talking with him was a total mystery to them both. Tyki, on the other hand, had feelings that went deeper than that and he knew it.

The only thing that Tyki could say for certain was that, the more they fought, the more the noah began rooting for Allen. He almost wanted him to win, just so they could fight another day. Of course, he thought, a malicious grin forming on his face as he stopped flipping the button and squeezed it in the palm of his hand. That means that I'm only fighting for my life. I can't let him kill me, after all. "What do you say, boy", he said aloud, drawing Road's attention. "Are you ready to fight me to the death?"

Tyki's POV

The noah sat at the end of the table of food, smoking a cigarette and waiting anxiously for the boy to walk through the doors. Road ran around the room with excitement, clearly just as anxious as him. Finally we're able to sit down and have a conversation. It's been awhile, Shounen~. He grinned at his own thoughts before dropping his lips into a surprised frown when he heard the doors to the room flying opened. As he looked up, he widened his eyes, watching Road run up to the boy and scream his name before planting a jealousy-inducing kiss on his unsuspecting lips.

"Do you really like him that much", Mikk asked, though his jealousy was hidden behind his shock and confusion at the eldest noah's childishness. "That's the first time I've seen you kiss anyone other than the Millennium Earl. And why did that first person have to be Allen? I'm jealous." He pouted at the girl before reaching for his silverware to eat away his disappointment and stuff his face before he could say anything more.

"I won't give you one, Tyki~", she giggled, skipping her away back to the noah of pleasure.

"You aren't the one I wanted one from", he mumbled under his breath, shoving a piece of steak toward his mouth. Just before it entered entirely, he paused. He spoke calmly in the hopes that he might convey his genuine wish to eat and not fight, at the moment, directing his next comment at the boy. "While I was waiting for you, I got hungry. How about dining together?" Because of how affectionately he spoke to the boy, though, he added, "I wanted to talk to you before the fighting" before placing the steak in his mouth and chewing carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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