Betty Maye

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Betty POV.

Hello, people my name is Betty Maye and I'm a super popular instagram model (Ugh). I have 2 best friends named Bertha and Mackenzie (I asked Siri to pick a random number then I looked up the most hated girls names)I also have a boyfriend and his name is Will Solace, well I mean he is my boyfriend he just doesn't know it yet and I plan to ask him out after school.  I know that he is going to say yes because who doesn't like me? So, to give you an idea of what Will looks like has golden crisp locks and hypnotizing cobalt blue eyes and just the smile uhhhhh he can make any girl swoon over him.

Time skip brought to you by Nico telling his best joke - Percy is finally his type.

I walked into school and practically every boy was swooning over me. I saw Will at his locker talking to one of his brat friends, Evelyn, and Percy and just looking happy, I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, Will turned around and his expression soon changed from happy to somewhat disgusted "What do you want now Betty," said Will in his I don't care tone "I want you," I replied seductively. "Can't you just leave me alone for once?" asked Will "I'm already in a serious relationship and I've told you this many times." Just then the bell rang and before I could say anything else Will walked of to his first class.

Time skippppppy dipppity doooo

I was know in French staring at Will while my 'friends' did all the work for the project. We had been working when my friend Mackenzie said "Betty it the end of class were all leaving and were the some of the last people here."  "Ok," I said uninterested.
I stared at Will for a little longer, until he started picking up his things, and walked out of the door.We were now outside, and Will looked like he was looking for someone, it was probably me even though he was playing hard to get. Then, a black sports car pulled up and everyone started staring at it one kid even said "Holy sh*t their are only 3 of those cars in the whole world!" I ignored that one kid, and tried to find out who was driving the car. I soon found out because an average height teenager with pitch black hair and chocolate brown eyes who looked like they could be Italian got outmofnthe car. He was sexy but not as sexy as Will. Just as Instarted looking at Will the Italian looking guy started to approach him, soon the Italian kid got closer to Will and kissed him. WAIT HE KISSED Will I started walking up to them in anger and said "Will is not gay you faggot," Will then responded with "First I am gay and second if you call him a faggot I will make your wish you were never born." And with that Will and the Italian looking guy who I soon found outs name is Nico walked out of school and were never to be seen again. But, Will friend Evelyn did leave to but, before she left she ran around the school shouting "GO READ MY fANFIC ON WATTPAD CALLED MORTALS MEET SOLANGELO THERE MY OTP," and this is the fANFIC I wrote about Nico and Will. hehehehhehe
Well I'm going to go make out with a son of Apollo now, bye.

P.s Hope You're having a good day.😊

Pp.s Never call someone a faggot and if you have then I don't like you very much.🖕

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