Chapter 36

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White ran up to the gang's roof and saw Luc; he could feel her anger and sadness from afar. he sneaked around quietly, then put his arms around Luc and pulled her in for a hug "white, what the hell are you doing" she asked angrily. "Trying to hug you and get your forgiveness," he said. She then pushed white off of her and backed up from him "it's not that easy, snowball, you broke my heart, and I'm mad right now," she said. "Ok, well, what can I do to fix it," he asked, "beat up yourself or your mum," she said with a smirk, "I would never hurt my mum, and I'm not gonna beat up myself, so think of another stupid way you know I love you," he said. "Then take back what you said to your mum," she said, "NO!" he yelled; he then ran off to train and check on his friends.

White walked into the gang clinic and saw his friends in beds resting and healing "guys, I'm so sorry I hurt you I lost my cool I was just mad at my mum and luc and wanted to take my anger out on people" white said, "it's ok white we forgive you, right guys" Luke said. Ryan and chad nodded, then white gave them each a smile and a pat on the shoulder and hoped they got better soon, then left to sit in the main training area and think about life.

Luc was done sulking and being mad, so she decided to go down to the training area and saw white, so she just went over and started to train.

White was thinking about stuff till he heard someone training, so he looked up and saw Luc. White just decided to stare at her and watch her train and be quiet like a statue, but what he didn't know was that he and luc were also being monitored.

After a while, Luc was done training, but when she got done, she and white were dragged to a room where they were both sitting on the floor in front of three adults and another person who was whites cousin. White and luc looked up at the three people and saw Lilith, Ross, and Alice. "can someone please explain what's going on" white asked, "yes, this is a makeup session" Ross said, "what the hell does that mean" Luc asked, "It means either you two makeup or will make you," Lily said. White and luc were then silent "ok, I guess we're doing this the hard way," Alice said, "ok, now who started this stupid fight" Ross asked. White didn't say anything and just pointed at Alice then looked at her "me, what did I do" Alice asked. white then wrote down what he was thinking cause he wasn't talking, and Ross read it "you were making me mad and teased me about Luc" Ross read. "Ok, well, Alice, you need to say sorry to them," Ross said, "why my son should tell me about his life and who he likes? I'm his mother," Alice said. "Hold on; I'll be right back with my little man," Ross said. Ross then grabbed white and took him into another room while Luc was left with the girls to talk "come on, Luc, it's just us girls now you can talk to us" Lily said, "I just wanna know why white thinks we're only friends when we've been together for five years I thought we were more" Luc said. "Men are stupid for a while and do dumb things, but after a while, they turn into sweet men," Alice said, "but when will that be," luc asked, "who knows when? Just be patient and forgive him after Alice says sorry to white," Lily said. "Fine, but he has to be more open to me," Alice said, "that won't happen, miss drakon," Luc said. "and why not Lucille," Alice asked, "cause whites a closed up protective heart/secrets kind of guy he only tells people he trusts," Luc said. "Ok, thank you; well, we will see; let's just wait for the guys to come back," Alice said; everyone nodded "ok, how's your training Luc and Raina," Lily asked, "good" Luc and Raina said. Alice, Raina, Luc, and Alice just sat in silence while waiting for white and Ross to return.

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