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Hwanwoong POV

It's been so many years since I ever saw him and this feeling never goes away. It's weird and I don't know how to make it gone. Every time I saw his picture, flashbacks came, and it hurts me you had to leave and never return to where I am now. I told my best friend, Dongju or Xion, and he said to just forget about him and find another person. I tried his advice and try dating some other people but, it never worked and so I stopped.

I suddenly remembered about the journal I made years ago and searched for it. I finally found it and when I opened the page, a photo dropped. I looked at it and realized how much I loved him back then. I took a deep breath, put the photo back inside, and closed the journal. I opened one of my drawers and put in inside and then lock it so people won't see it. I put the key inside my personal box as I dropped myself in my bed. I closed my eyes and sighed; I miss him.

"Hyung I wonder where you're at," I said holding my tears, Damn, I'm so emotional. Suddenly my phone started to ring, I ignored it though. I thought the ringing would finish after 3 rings but I was wrong, it wouldn't stop ringing. I gave up and finally answered it and there I saw Dongju's name on the screen.

"What do you want Xion?" I said with a lazy tone, he scolded me though. Istg, Xion is grumpier than my mom. 

"Okay-okay, jeez. What do you need Xionnie, my dear?" I said and didn't forget to put a little sarcasm on it cuz it will make the phone call more interesting. Xion's boring.

"Could You come over and help me with my math homework?" He said, more cheerfully. I sighed AGAIN and stood up from my bed. I didn't respond and Xion begged me to come to his house. 

"Okay. fine. Just wait for a while ok?" I said, giving in. I ended the call and rush downstairs. I said goodbye to my mom and left. Xion's house is just on the right side of my house.. and the left was 'his' house. 

As soon as I arrived, I pressed the bell that's located beside his door and heard the door unlocking and revealing a red-headed Dongju. 

"Woongie, quick. I don't get this question!" He said, rushing to his room again. I stepped inside and locked the door since Dongju is a lazy person, unlike me. After I locked the door, I went upstairs to his room and helped him with his homework. 

It turns out that the question he was asking was easy. After I explained how to do it and he finally got the right answer, I checked the other questions and 70% of it was technically wrong. I told him though and explained again. He didn't get it for the first time, but he finally did on the second time he did. 

"Xion, I think you need to hire a tutor. I can't teach you all the time you know. You should focus more on the lessons." I said to him. He didn't accept it though and replied to me.

"I did, but it's math! You know I can't do math but I think about the tutor thing, I think that's a good idea." He replied you can't lie to me Dongju, I saw you drawing all the time behind your textbook. I never knew what he was drawing though. It's probably his favorite soloist, LEEDO. His posters are everywhere around his room.

I gave him an annoyed face as he replied with a smile. After he did his homework, I stayed for a while and then I went back home and slept because I was so tired. Today was... Wierd. I changed my clothes and dropped myself on my bed. I closed my eyes finally drifting to sleep.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

The sound of my alarm floods my room. My alarm isn't that shocking though and makes me annoyed, I used my phone as an alarm and set the ringtone into X1's FLASH so it makes me want to sleep more but I can't, because I need to wake up and go to school. 

I heard today that there was a special guest going to our school and I don't want to be late for that. No one knew who he is, but there are rumors that the person who are visiting our school is a boy. He will teach the whole high school about relationships, how to deal with breakups and how to reject people without breaking their hearts too much. They said that he's an expert in this. This is a really great topic for me. 

I quickly took a quick shower, pick some clothes up, brush my hair and brush my teeth. I choose a black hoodie that says 'Fuck My Life' and grey sweatpants because why the fuck not. I rushed downstairs and use my sneakers as I ran to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. While I was waiting, Dongju finally came with his Red Hoodie and black jeans. I like it, it matches his hair a lot.

After a 10 minute wait, the bus finally came, and we sat right beside each other. The bus finally drives away and by 15 minutes, we arrived at our school. We stepped down from the bus and walk through our school gates and calmly walked into our school hallways until we heard fangirl screams directed towards us.

"BLACK AND RED FRIENDS ARE HERE AND THEY'RE LOOKING HAWTER THAN EVER." one girl shouted. I need to be honest, me and Dongju both agreed that we don't like all of this. We're just normal students like them, not a singer not an actor or something. Why us though? 

We both walked into our lockers and get out a notebook and a pen and walked silently to the auditorium upstairs. When we arrived, seats were already arranged neatly and only a few are with us in this room. We sat together at the left side of the back and just talk about some random shit like mostly LEEDO.

We waited again, and by 17 minutes, students filled the auditorium with chatting and laughter about stuff that we don't care about. The bell finally rang and people quiet down and looked straight towards the stage. We saw someone into the center of the stage and there, my eyes widen in shock after I recognize the person who is standing right in front of my eyes.

"Woongie, he looks handsome. Do you know him? You look shocked."

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Hello, my precious reader, I'm back with another chapter. I hope you guys liked today's chapter and wait until next Wednesday to find out what happened next hehe. I'll try to update weekly though, not a promise. By the way, do you like the new cover I made? Is it nice? If it's a yes then thank you. Imma finish this A/N with a thank you for reading and see you next time^^


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