Writing Project

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“Ace, wait up!” I call as his blue t-shirt disappears from sight.

I doubt he was able to hear me and there is no chance that I will catch up to him at this point. I sigh deeply and stop running after him. He is definitely going to regret leaving me in the middle of nowhere later. For now, though, I have to figure out where I am.

Looking around, all I can see is trees, trees, and surprise surprise more trees. I have absolutely no clue where I am or how to get back to civilization. Wow, could today get any better? Not only did my brother get mad and take off when I told him our parents were getting a divorce, but now I am lost in the middle of the forest. Out of all the places to run to, Ace had to choose the creepy woods? Seriously? I mean, if I was going to run away it would definitely be to somewhere that has air conditioning.

I decide to turn around and head back in the direction I think my house is and hope that my brother shows up later. I really doubt he will last long out here without any food or TV. I’m sure he will be back before the night is over. If he isn’t, well, I don’t really want to think about that. There are way to many scary things that can happen in the middle of nowhere at night, the least of which have to do with getting attacked by some wild animal.

After walking for like ten minutes, I start to get freaked out. I should definitely be close to the road by now. I didn’t run that far, at least I don’t think I did. I’m starting to think I may have gone the wrong way. This thought is enough to make me tremble. What if I can’t find my way out and I end up stuck out here all night? Oh no, this is so not good!

I tell myself not to panic and to just continue walking because the forest has to end eventually. Maybe I won’t come out near my house, but I have to come out somewhere. I really wish I knew how big this forest was, though. With my luck, it will be one of those really big ones that never seem to end. Why did I never pay attention to it before? Why do I always have to be so oblivious to the things around me?

Suddenly I hear a rustling sound coming from my left. I spin around, squinting my eyes at the densely packed trees. I can’t see anything, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something there.

“Hello?” I yell, in hopes that if it is an animal I will scare it away and if it is a person they can help me.

I don’t receive a response, though. I stand there awhile longer, but whatever it was must be gone. That or I am hearing things. I start walking again, with a new determination to get out of this place.

I probably haven’t even gone ten feet when I hear the sound again. Someone or something is following me. I am almost certain. So, I do what any sane person would do and take off running as fast as I can. Forests are not the best place to run. I keep getting smacked in the face with branches and almost trip a few times over roots. Then I actually do trip and go crashing to the ground.

I flip over on my back, ready to jump to my feet and make a run for it again. It is too late, though, because whatever was following me steps out from the trees. My mouth opens for a scream, but is cut off in my confusion.


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