~ 8 ~ My first time.

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The sore blackened clouds couldn't hold the weights anymore, and like a tired body builder, they dropped the burdening buckets of water. The ice grey sky groaned and grumbled until a living fabric of water poured all around us. We had managed to find a brave shielding umbrella tree that now shielded us from the icy spines of rain. The beautiful silence now interrupted with the bullets and the gregarious boom of the rain and cracks of thunder. I edged my pale hand into the rain immediately jumping as the chill and scratch pierced my skin. The rain felt like a blade etching into my skin, embedding poison into my system and with that I pulled my hand back into my chest and dried the icy droplets from my skin. The whole temperature had dropped completely and like a radiator, Scar radiated heat. The anger of the sickeningly black sky had overwhelmed the originally crystal-clear sky and the powdery fluff had been swallowed by hungry charcoal-coloured teeth. The top soil of the dirt, had transformed into a slippery slide for stains on a white shirt. As though the water weighed several tons, the dirt's posture was weakened from the drenching buckets of obliterating, merciless chill. Oceans of water began to form and a river trickled below our feet, drenching our trainers and soaking my white socks in dirty water.

My throat sank as the feeling of the water oozed through my feet, soaking them through. Socks and water aren't a good combination I thought to myself, the sensation of the squelching water between my toes. The only way this would be a good scenario is if I had a clothes washer and dryer, a warm shower, a toasty warm white bathrobe and soft towel and a warm bed to crawl into when I get home. I didn't have a home nearby, the most I knew was that we were going to meet my family at my 'home' and this scared me because I was afraid it wouldn't live up to the high expectations I had developed in my mind about what the moment would be like. Expectation vs reality, the sad but real truth about life was that reality had the power to ruin everything. Sadly this was not the reality and I had to accept that I was stuck in the plains of a forest, sheltered under an umbrella tree, practically cuddling Scar, some wolf that I barely knew and had already kissed and ruined a perfectly good relationship with. The rain roared on, sickly soaking the perfect lands that once lay proudly, now trampled into the ground from the heaving water.

Slowly, extremely slowly, the water eased and the sky's tears eased. Aching legs and chilled limbs, I stepped into the plains.
"Do you remember which direction we were travelling? I want to get to the pack as soon as possible." I immediately informed Scar.
"Rory..." He started in his normal tune but quickly trailed off and looked sorrowfully at the ground, and like a heartbroken widow sighed regretfully, heartbrokenly.
"There is no pack of werewolves for us anymore Rory..." He paused and looked glumly at me. I couldn't believe it. He must've noticed my face drop and my Jaw hit the floor with a thud, like a large rubber mallet on a wooden floor.
"Rory, it's ok. You still have me. We have each other, but the others, they are... gone." He looked even worse now. His normally bright amber eyes had turned a dark and gloomy, stormy grey and the burning light that burned within him was clouded by a veil of pain, heart ache and loss.

I looked him up and down.
"Wha-what happened to them?... Who were th...?" I trailed off. Scar had talked of them as though they were family, my family, our family and now they were gone. I couldn't even remember them, which while it probably lessened the ache that comes with missing someone, it worsened the curiosity of who they were and thus amplified the pain of their loss.
"Your sister, Rogue... Well she killed everyone, everyone but me and you. I rescued you." He tried but it was too late.

You can imagine the pain of losing everything, everyone, your parents, and your friends, everything you've ever known. That was how I felt right now. The pain, the yearning and the regret. I felt completely lost...
"You lied to me! I can't believe you! I hate you!" I angrily growled, pain and fury raging in my heart. The warmth of my heart was now ice cold and my mind burned with hate.

Without a moment of notice I was throwing blows at him. Hard punches, anger driven as adrenaline rushed through my amplifying senses. The hatred for being betrayed by him seeped through the gaps between my glossy whites. I was completely enraged from the way he'd treated me. He lied to me, took me on a huge journey and then kissed me. In this moment I probably could have killed him, but I refrained from the urge. I might be angry but I won't give into impulsivities. Tears began to swell in my eyes, the sting began to bite into my eyelids and burn the inside of my eyes. I could have crumbled into a pile of emotions and tears but that was the old me, instead, I felt adrenaline swell and pump through me like a stallion preparing for a race.

Then a rampage of cracking and pain flowed through me. Every bone in my petite, starved body began to break and rotate in its sockets. My clothing all split at the seams, a designer would cry. Stained red silky fur began to grow from every inch of my dirty skin. My finger nails lengthened into angled claws with points that could tear fabric and flesh into two. But nothing prepared me for pain of the teeth. My canine teeth grew right out of my gums and touched my lips, my face no longer resembling me, but resembling my wolf. I was no longer a girl, no longer a human. I was a flesh eating, savage now. A very angry flesh eating savage at that. I wanted revenge and I wanted it now. 

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