Part 1

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Chapter 1

Meeting Me

I'm the bachelorette and I don't like it. You may say that you want it but trust me you don't. Maybe if I was older then it would be cool, but, not right now, not in middle school. I just realized I haven't introduced myself properly yet. Hi, I'm Carley Hudson and I live in Wiesbaden, Germany. My status is single(at the moment) but here's the jist. I'm the bachelorette in middle school and it's not fun. Only one of them even goes to my school! I'm not the most popular person in my grade or even school.

I mostly center around 5 main things in my life: 1. Swimming 2. Reading 3. Sleep 4. Food 5. Friends. Not necessarily in that order. Let me explain those things to you out there. Swimming has been a huge part of my life since day one. I've been swimming competitively for about 8 years(I'm 12) and I'm not one of the best swimmer's on my team but I'm fairly good. Number 2 on my list was reading. Reading has always been a part of my life I can't remember a time of my life without reading. When I was younger I was more of a bookworm than I am now but I still make time to read everyday. One of my all time favorite books has to be Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. 3 was sleeping, sleeping is something that everyone needs not just active people. Sometimes I get less sleep than I need to, one example of that is Christmas. Even though I want sleep more my siblings wake me up extra early to see what Santa got us. Number 4 was food. Food is a huge part of all of our lives. I feel like I eat too much but I'm actually losing weight. One of the most important things to me is friends. I tell my friends everything which is sometimes not good. That's actually how this whole thing started.

This whole thing started because I told this guy named Michael that I thought that no one liked me. He said that that wasn't true. I thought back to what one of my friends Anna said. Anna thought that this guy named Andrew liked me.

Chapter 2

Swim Meet and Practice

So I told Michael that and the next day we happened to have a swim meet. Andrew is on my swim team which makes things kinda awkward, I mean he sees me in a swimsuit almost daily. At the swim meet we do this thing called relays were we either swim every stroke or only freestyle. Andrew happens to be on my relay every single time. I don't even know how that's possible.

Anyway Michael told Andrew that I thought that I think that he likes me. Apparently he does. That made the whole swim meet awkward. All 6 hours of it Michael was trying to get Andrew to talk to me. At the end Michael shoved Andrew towards me and called my name. When Andrew started backing away that's when Michael walked up to me and said that Andrew was too shy to talk to me. I never knew that he was shy. I only have one class with him but we are both in advanced math. Also, the one class that I have with him most of his friends are in.

I didn't end up talking to him at the meet but the day after at school exchanged glances. However, that Monday I told him that we needed to talk. My mom was coach that day so she decided that she wanted to drive me home. When I walked past the bus on my way to the car, my friend Sophia was going home with me so we had to stop by the bus to tell the bus monitor that she would be coming home with me. I knew that I needed to talk to him but I wasn't going to get on the bus to talk to him with my mom, sister, and brother right there. In my mind I knew that that was the wrong move to play. I decided that I would talk to him tomorrow. Luckily that was the day I had my one class with him.

Chapter 3

Health Class

Skipping ahead to that day Health class. We had to get some computers because we had to do for our test that day. I was with my friends that time and he had gotten a computer earlier so we didn't have a chance to talk yet.

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