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I rubbed my eyes to check if I am seeing things right. He's still here! Beside me!

"Of course I'll be possessive. She's mine after all.------" My scream cut him off.

"Y/N, what is wrong." I turned my head towards the teacher. I felt the Min Yoongi's eyes trail towards me upon the mention of my name. "Y/N?" He mumbled.

"Miss, can I go to the infirmary? I'm not feeling well." I politely asked. She went closer to me to guide me as I stood up.

"My beloved, please don't leave me again." He followed me as I lead myself to the infirmary.

"You're just an imagination." I chanted.

"No. Please, beloved, don't leave me again." He begged.

"I'm not your beloved!" With a loud thud, I fell on the floor as darkness embraced me.

I slowly open my lids. I recognize the familiar ceiling above me. He's gone.

"Thank heavens he's gone. I must've lack sleep." I whispered to myself.

"Beloved, you're up." What the hell. I was about to scream but he placed his hand on my mouth.

"Please don't be terrified. The last thing I ever wish to do is to harm you." I held his wrist. It's... cold. Like dead cold.

I slowly place his hand down to uncover my mouth. "Are you really Min Yoongi? Like the Min Yoongi in my text book?" I asked. He looked hurt.

"Please don't act like this. Please don't." He begged. A lone tear fell. My hand moved to wipe it off. He felt so real yet he feels so cold.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry but you're mistaken. I'm not your wife or girlfriend or something." He stared into my eyes. He held my wrist to bring to to his chest.

"You are Y/N, right?" He asked. I was hesitant to nod yet i didn't want to leave him hanging.

"Then you are my beloved." This time, I shook my head to disapprove.

"I'm sorry but there are hundreds of Y/N even in this country alone. I'm sorry but I don't even think she's... living up to this day." "She is. I promise her I'll come to fetch her. We'll make things right. I promised. We promised." His voice is filled with such emotions.

"Do you want me to help you look for her?" I asked. His face lit up.

That offer is what brought me and him walking along the campus. I have some airpods just so others won't find me weird talking to invisible Yoongi.

"Since I've been excused from my last class, we can start now. Is there anything familiar with this school?" I asked.

He stared at me. "Close your eyes. Take me to the first place you picture." He commanded.

I slowly shut my eyes. The Conservatory. I opened my lids. No one is in the space except me and Yoongi. I held his wrist to guide him to the conservatory.

We stopped at the ballet room. A familiar piece radiates through the room.

"Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune." He says. I smiled to myself, my eyes never left the glass doors of the ballet hall. "My favorite." I shared.

"Y/N's favorite." He replied. "We share a lot of things then." I chuckled.

I sighed, my gaze never left the glass doors through which I could see the ballet dancers moving to the rhythm. "You know what? I've always imagined myself being one of them. Wearing ballet shoes, rehearsing, letting my body follow the music." He's staring at me, I know he is.

"Can't you? I know you can. You're made for it." He says. I gazed at him and smiled.

"You're made to dance, my love. Keep going." The fair man says as he watch his beloved dance to the tune his hands are making.

"You are my moonlight." He adds.

"I can. My determination can, but my body can't." Before I become an emotional mess, I took his wrist to guide him.

"Is there something within the ballet hall?" I asked. "I don't know. Is there something there?" He asked as well.

"Well I told you, ballet is my passion that I never even had a chance to do. But that is me. I told you. I'm not your Y/N." "

"Well my Y/N loves ballet as much as you do." I chuckled bitterly.

"Difference is that she can dance. I can't." I looked at my wrist watch. "I have to go home. My brother will kill me!" On cue, I ran towards the school exist.

Third Person's POV

"Brother? My Y/N doesn't have a brother." Yoongi thought. "Who are you, intruder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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