Sîxtēēn: Talk

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So I was sick and got two days off of school (score!) and wrote this pile of poop. So here it is! I know I said i'll be taking a break to revsie and get ready

but oh well i'm gunna fail anyway!


"Tae?" Jin calls through the door as he knocks. "What?" I reply sharply, it's doesn't sound sad or like i have been crying. I haven't. I've just been panicking and freaking out instead.

"Can I come in?" He asked, nervousness clear in his voice. I stopped, do I want him to sed my right now? What will he think? I've been kissing Jin for a while but what now?

I let out a strangled noise and Jin takes that in some way and sighs "what if I give you kissies?" He offers with hope and a almsot teasing way, a smirk also evident in his voice.

I nod, then realising he can't hear me I say a quiet "yes." And unlock the door. It's just Jin, and he comes in. I then quickly lock the door again.

I run and jump onto my bed, I pull my blanket further up my head. Jin looks at me and sighs, "Tae baby, what's wrong?" He asks coming over to me and gently resting a hand on my side, or roughly my side.

I look down, "What if the others don't like me and think i'm weird or something?" Jin huffs almost annoyed and lifts up my chin with his first two fingers. I keep my arms cast down and refuse to look at him. "Baby?" He tries again. Damn my weakness for pet names.

I find myself looking at him and dejavu hits me hard. I blush. He smirks and pulls my face closer and gentle kisses my lips. I sigh into the kiss content. Sadly Jin ruins it by pulling away.

"They wont hate you or think your weird, you need to talk to us though, well more them, ok?" He says

I once again look down but nod anyway mumbling out a quite "ok." He places a hand on top my head and ruffles my hair in a caring manner. "Don't be worried, baby." He teases and I giggle, pushing away his hand.

He brings his hands down to my sides and starts attacking me with tickles and kisses. I'm pushing him away and giggling the entire time.

He stops after a while and we both catch our breathes. He smiles down at me gently and takes my hand, interlocking our fingers as he pulls me up. He lets me keep my cozy blanket on as he pulls me gently out the door and down the hallway.

I make him stop just at the end of the hallway door and take a deep breath. He smiles sweetly at me and pulls me into a even sweeter kiss. He pulls away and opens the door.

On the couch sat all the boys, their heads are downcast and they are silent until the hear the door open and all the boys heads shoot straight up and at our direction. "Taehyung? Are you ok?" And "taetae why did you run?" All come out.

I smile nervously at them and let out an awkward laugh. "Well you see-" "he got scared you all would think he was weird and hate him." Jin finishes for me, i look up at him with a grateful smile he just gives me a smirk and a nod back.

All the boys gasp and look like they just got wrongfully accused for murder.

"Taetae, We would never think anything like that!" "Or hate you!" They all continue to reasure him. I let out a breath I hadn't realised I had been holding in.

Jin pulls us all into a group hug, everyone joing in bar me and Yoongi.

I look over at him but I can't quite tell what he is thinking or how he feels right now. Sadly my attention is quickly dragged away from him as Jimin asks a question.

"So can we all get kisses now?" I smile shyly and nod, going round and giving all the boys kisses on the cheek. Only when it's Yoongi's turn he pulls me into a full on lip kiss.

I smile into the kiss and gently kiss back, Yoongi slowly and reluctantly lets go of my blanket so I can stand back up.

Once I do, all the boys are glaring at Yoongi. I huff at them all. "You all will get kisses soon calm down" i reasure them and they all smile and relax back.

The day carries on like usually after that. Dinner, movie, sleep. Except now the boys all take any chance they get to give me cheek kisses, even in front of the others. They are all so silly, I think.


My guys, I need friendos. All you need is to have a pulse. (and to be preferably 14 and/or older)

Idk comment or message me? Look i'm awkward, H e l p.

Written: 14.06.19 - 15.06.19
Published: 16.06.19
Words: 849

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