Chapter One

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Hi, I'm Mae Rose Foster. I'm 5"4', eight teen, brown curly hair, with vibrant green eyes. I seem like a pretty average girl but I am the farthest thing from that. I'm a demon hunter. During the day I go to North Valley Academy in Idaho, talk to friends, laugh, etc., but at night I put on my black leggings and machete. Not a very normal life I live, but the adventures are never ending. But if there was one other thing I love more than adventures it would be the blood of a demon.


I woke up to the obnoxious noise of my alarm clock ringing its usual annoying sound. I slam the snooze button begging for another ten minutes of sleep, but knowing that I must get up unless I want my brother coming in and yelling at me. I rip off the covers being slapped with the coldness of the air conditioned room; I shiver slowly getting up from my bed. I make my way towards my bathroom, locking the door as I strip from my pajamas turning the shower nozzle to the right side making it extremely hot.

I put my hand in to check the temperature making sure it's not too cold. Once it's at it's appropriate temperature I hop in closing the curtain so no water pours out onto the floor. I wash myself as quick as possible or else my brother would be barging in here. I turn the water off and grab the nearest towel and head towards my closet picking out an outfit which happened to be black skinny jeans, a long dark purple shirt, black converse, with a black beanie and gloves since the winter weather is so brutal right now. 

"Mae lets go!" My brother Pete screamed from downstairs. I screamed back an 'Okay! One second!' which I'm almost positive he rolled his eyes as a response. I walked into my bathroom quickly brushing my teeth, hair, and doing my makeup which consisted of mascara, face powder, and lipstick all in a range of eight minutes. I ran to grab my navy backpack and my phone on my desk. Rushing down the stairs, out the door, and into my brothers black Ram truck which he was waiting in.  

"It's about time, we could've been late." He glared; making me want to slap that stupid glare off his face. For the rest of the ride the only noise that was made was from the music playing on the radio; which was Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy. Also known as one of my favorite bands besides Twenty-One Pilots. 

I stopped tapping my fingers on my legs once I realized we were approaching our school. I hate school; everyone pisses me off. Even my own friends piss me of 95% of the time with their stupid comments like "OMG Jake is such a hottie" or "Did you see Jared in that tank top today?!"  I don't care about boys, and what they are doing, and who they are banging. 

Pete parks in his usual parking place and we both get out walking towards the school doors. I walk faster than him trying not to hold the right side of my rib cage from it's pain, since the demon I fought last night was really strong. But I was stronger; as always. 

My brother yanks my arm back me giving him a glare in return. "What?" I yelled earning some looks, but me just flicking them off. "Why are you holding your stomach?" I was going to respond but he beat me to it, "lift up your shirt." He demanded. "No!" He gripped my arm and dragged me back towards the car me fighting and punching him in response. 

"Lift up your shirt Mae. You know I can help you if you're hurt." We stood there for a good minute; until I finally groaned and gave in. As soon as I showed him the huge gash he gasped. I would be lying if I said I wasn't completely horrified by the giant black, blue, and still some dried blood mark. I look at Pete's face and see a mix of disappointment, and hurt. "Mae. You know I can help you if you're hurt. I hate it when you do this I hate it when you try to do everything on your own. Not everything you can do alone, and I know you keep on thinking that I'm just going to be taking away just like mom and dad were-" I flinched at the sound of them. Yes, it's true my parent's were demon hunters just like us. They brought us up to be, but one night when they were training me. One of the biggest and vile demons around came and attacked them while I hid up in a tree. They were obviously not strong enough for the horrifying beast, and ever since that day I will stop at nothing to find that son of a bitch and determinate him forever. 

I come out of my daydreaming and realize that Pete stopped talking and is putting his freezing hands on the gash. I intently watch as the wound slowly goes away. 

Once Pete's done I pull my shirt down, and I give him a small nod as thanks. I start emerging towards the doors of hell when I hear the bell ring. I walk a little bit faster so I'm not entirely late. 

I run to my locker when I hear my friend group laughing and talking louder than a normal human should be coming down the hall. "Hi Mae!" Ashley said while giving me a hug. I give a smile back while saying hi to the rest of the group. "oh my gosh did you guys here about the new sale at LF today guys? I can't wait to go after school." I roll my eyes at their uninteresting conversation. I honestly don't even know how I ended up in this friend group. I first started dating the "hottest guy in school" apparently my ex, Blake, and then the "popular" girls started talking to me so now I'm stuck. 

The second bell rings notifying us that we have one minute to get to class. I shut my locker and walk away from my friends and go to my first class. My first class is on the other side of the school so it takes me a couple seconds to get there. 

Right when I'm about to open the door to my class I stop right in my tracks. I breath in heavily through my nose. I smell it. 

There's a demon here. 


HI Y'ALL!!! I'm sorry this was probably very uninteresting but just keep on reading it'll get good :) thank you my loves. 

anyway here's the bad joke of the day 

How did the frog die?

He Kermit suicide *bu dum tsss*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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